Volume 9, Chapter 6 - "Becoming Heroes Again"

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(Vanessa Rowland's P.o.V)

Don't judge me! It's not what you think! I was merely using my Semblance to squeeze myself through the ventilation system to get to the vent inside the boys' shower room simply because I... was curious about something... or someone if we're being honest. As I said, it is not what you think! I wasn't perving, nothing like that in the slightest! I had just heard something from this girl, who heard it from another girl, who heard it from another girl, who said that guys had the tendency to act nice, thoughtful and sensitive around women but turn out to be complete jerks once we're nowhere in sight. And, where else does this debauchery happen? But, in the safe haven of the shower rooms. So, I had to make sure that my... my crush... wasn't like the rest of them. I was silently praying as I watched them come in, towels wrapped around them as if they were teasing me, making me red in the face and willing for them to fall and reveal their secrets to me. Unfortunately for those towels, though, I was already satisfied with what I saw on top. Oh, what I would have done to them if the shackles of romance weren't holding my hormonal urges in place and binding me to the one I was tirelessly searching for. Wait! What's wrong with me? I haven't even kissed the guy yet and I'm already being tempted to have an orgy in the middle of the shower room! I felt utterly ashamed for the way my thoughts ran through my head. I guess it's true what they say about the uncontrollable urges you get growing up. Look! I hadn't had a boyfriend for a long time, alright?! Give me a break! But as I got into a one-way argument with myself, he glided into view. Ryme Zonal. My heart fluttered as I carefully watched him, listening to everything he said for any signs of dishonour or rowdiness. But, there weren't any. He was as sophisticated in this atmosphere as he was with me. He was... absolutely... undoubtedly... perfect.

Tom: "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

My fluttering heart stopped as if it had just hit a brick wall! In my lovestruck gazing, I had failed to notice that Tom was in the shower room as well and had spotted my face pressed up against the vent grate. Before I knew it, he and his smug, smirking face were leaning on the wall next to the vent I was in! Could this get any worse?

Vanessa: "Piss off, Tom!"

Tom: "What are you doing here, dear sister? It's not like you to go perving on guys while they're in the showers."

Vanessa: "It's not like that!"

Tom: "So... what do you think about your little crush? Will it be a nighttime motel or cuddle behind the bushes?"

Vanessa: "I'm just keeping an eye on him. And let me tell you, he's not like the ones at our old school, the ones who would say yes to any old horny chick who'd let them take her from behind."

Tom: "You certainly have a way with words, don't you?"

Vanessa: "Um... Tom? Can I ask you something? You know, because you're my brother and all?"

Tom: "Yes?"

Vanessa: "You're... you're a boy, aren't ya?"

Tom: "Uh... last time I checked, I was. I think I still am now, let me just have another look."

Vanessa: "T-There's no need for that, thank you! S-So, anyway... you know... what guys like in women, right?"

Tom: "Somewhat. Depends on the guy you're talking about. But, yes, in the vast majority, I think I'd be able to tell."

Vanessa: "Now, Tom, I want you to promise me. No funny business, no piss-taking, no jokes. I want the truth. Can I trust you?"

Tom: "Y-Yeah, of course, you can. If you can't trust your brother, who can you trust?"

Vanessa: "What do you think it's gonna take for a simple Earthling girl to tame such an adventurous prince?"

Tom: "Hmm... well, I'd imagine he would want a lady who is bold, brave, compassionate, chivalrous, selfless, knows her way around a blade."

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