Volume 1, Chapter 4 - "The Emerald Forest"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

I stared at the Beowolf Grimm and it stared right back at me. I had my sword ready but I couldn't make a move because of my rising fear. I didn't know how to fight, let alone fight off a creature of Grimm. The Beowolf soon realised that I wouldn't be attacking so it lashed out at me instead! I sidestepped out of the way before it could grab me. It snarled at me and charged at me again but I dodged its claws and dashed as far away from it as I could. Before I could get to the forest however, it jumped in front of me and slashed at me but, out of reflex, I blocked its claw with my sword and jumped back. After I had gotten over the sudden happiness of the fact that I hadn't died yet, the Beowolf made another attempt to grab me and this time it succeeded! It pinned me to the floor and tried to slash and claw at me but I kept moving out of the way at the last minute. I grabbed both of its claws and tried to overpower it but that monster was WAY too strong! Instead, I kicked its back as hard as I could so that it vaulted over my body and I could get back to my feet.

(Y/N): "Would someone please find me?! AH!"

I screamed as I saw the Beowolf get up and charge at me again, I dodged out of the way but I almost fell off the edge of the cliff by doing so! I regained my balance and dashed towards the forest! The Beowolf made yet another attempt to claw me but I rolled out of its path and it smacked up against a tree.

(Y/N): "They may be deadly... but their not the brightest spark in the thunderclouds. Wait! I've got an idea!"

I ran towards the edge of the cliff and started waving my arms and shouting.


The Grimm snarled and roared at me and then charged towards me. A smirk formed on my face as I jumped out of the way, just before it could grab me, and tripped it up with my leg so that it fell off the cliff roaring. I looked over the cliff and watched as it plummeted to the ground.

(Y/N): "Have a nice trip! You know, I kinda liked you guys better when you were a mesh of polygons!"

I sat down beside a tree and got my breath back. I started chuckling to myself for both happiness for my life and the growing sense of victory and accomplishment for winning.

(Y/N): "I-I did it...? I did it? I did it! YES! YES! I DID IT! Hahaha!!! God, I will never EVER under-appreciate being alive again! I'm alive!"

I kept on laughing crazily as I got myself back together! I got back up, my knees still weak, and put my sword back in its scabbard. I started to wander into the forest, my fear disintegrating by the minute, and I kept wandering for what seemed like forever, staring in wonder at the beauty of the forest.

(Y/N): "Wow... this place is amazing... I've gotta take some pictures, they'll last longer."

I got out my scroll and took a few photos of the forest on them before deactivating it and putting it back in my coat pocket. I looked at my surroundings in awe but then a seriously important question entered my head.

(Y/N): "Where the hell am I?"


(No one's P.o.V)

On the other side of the forest, Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc had teamed up and were making their way through the bushes of the forest together. Jaune's ears then picked up a loud far away noise and he turned his head towards it.

Jaune: "Did you hear that?"

Pyrrha: "Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy."

RWBY: Broken Skies (RWBY Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now