Part 11

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3rd Person POV

Breathing deeply, Aries walked down to breakfast a few mornings before the start of Hogwarts. 

He had finally come to an important decision, and he sincerely hoped he made the right one. Walking up to the table that seated Tom, Aries sat down and turned to face the man. 

Hearing Aries come to the table and feeling the boy's eyes on him, Tom also turned to face his companion. With curious eyes, Tom said "Good morning Aries."

Aries simply replied "Good morning" but continued to stare at the man. Beginning to feel uncomfortable, Tom asked "Is there something you wanted to say?"

Taking another beep breath, Aries said "Yes. I've given it a lot of thought, and with school starting up again soon, I think it would be a good idea to get to know each other more, and if all goes well, give this thing a go. 

Trying not to let the delight show in his eyes, Tom smiled warmly and said "Alright Aries. We could go shopping in Diagon Alley today for your school things and maybe we could do some other things you wish to do." 

Inside, Aries was a nervous wreck! He just declared to Voldemort that he wants to try being a family! He then had to force himself to calm down. Now was not the time to freak out. He has already thought about it and this is the best decision. 

No need to go about life constantly fighting something that obviously isn't changing. 

Speaking of change, the Wizarding World has taken to the forced change in government very well, all things considered. Maybe because Tom's doing such a good job? Or maybe because they're too scared to oppose? The one person capable of defeating the "reformed" mad man is now under the control of said "mad man". 

Aries figured that the Wizarding World just wasn't up to fighting a powerful man with little power on their side. 

He promptly shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. Now's not the time to contemplate politics. No, now was the time to make nice with the man that could basically decide his entire future. 

Aries got ready for his day out. When he got out the bath, Flipsy already had an outfit laid out for the day for him. He got dressed and made his way to the Floo room where Tom was already waiting for him. 

Tom tentatively asked him "Aries are you ready to go?"

Aries replied with a simple "Yes" and they flooed to Diagon Alley where a crowd already began to form. 

Adoptive father and son stood side by side and they walked back and forth in the alley, purchasing various supplies Aries would need for his upcoming year at Hogwarts. Each shop they bought things in, the bags would immediately be taken to their home. 

Each shop they went in, the occupants would stop and stare at the people who just entered. In a few of their eyes, Aries could see the barely hidden fear. 

At one point, Aries wondered why no one did anything. After all, thats what he would expect them to do. 

In sudden realization, he turned to look behind him as he walked, and he saw two men in black cloaks following them. To their left and right, he saw individuals dressed in black, standing around, yet still on alert. 

He knew that Tom had bodyguards here with them. He knew that Tom was trying to protect them. 

Aries felt a sudden something swirl in his chest. A feeling he wasn't quite familiar with. It was hope. And just like that, he knew he made the right decision. 

Turning to his guardian with a slight smile on his face, he asked "Are we finished with my school things?"

At Tom's nod, he said "Well then why don't we go get a late lunch at Hogsmeade? Maybe a butter beer?"

Tom hoped his eyes didn't give away his glee as he agreed and the two walked towards the restaurant.

They sat down and their orders were immediately taken. When all that was done, they sat down in an awkward silence as both of them tried to figure out what to say to the other. 

Tom spoke first. "Are you ready for the school year, Aries?"

Nodding his head in affirmation, Aries remained quiet. 

Both Tom and Aries were hopeful at the prospect of lunch, yet now that they're sitting, one could feel the awkwardness, thick in the air. 

They didn't know what to say to each other or how to even go about having a conversation. They've been living together for more than 2 months, but they don't know anything about each other. 

Taking deep breaths, the two sat there, trying to think of what to say. 

In that time, the food came and they took glee in paying attention to the food. 

Finally, Tom decided to just go for it and he said "Our home will be rather quiet when you go to Hogwarts."

When Tom said then, Aries paused, with his fork near his mouth, eyes wide and mouth open to shock. After a few moments he said " might be busy with work. You are the Minister after all"

Feeling shut down, Tom remained quiet and simply enjoyed this time because Aries was actually sitting with him, not giving attitude or rolling his eyes. 

When lunch was finished, they quietly went back to Riddle Manor where Aries went directly to his room and pulled out the 3 way parchment. 

A- Ron? Hermione? 

R- Right here mate 

H- We're here Aries 

A- I just spent an entire afternoon with Voldemort. I think he was nervous to spend time with me. He was trying to be nice and get to know me. 

H- Did you enjoy yourself?

A- I- I think so. I mean.... the entire afternoon was very awkward and weird. But we didn't yell at each other and he didn't try to be at all controlling. 

R- He's trying to be your friend!?

H- Ron! Aries, it sounds like it wants a relationship with you. 

A- Well, I did go to him this morning and told him I wanted to try.....

H- Aries! Why didn't you say so! Do you want to get to know him?

A- Kind of. I mean, I'm tired of always fighting and getting punished. 

R- Blimey mate! Are you just going to play nice now?! 

A- Very funny Ron! No I'm not gonna stop fighting his bogus rules! But, I want to stop living in awkwardness! It's obvious that there is no overturning the adoption and there is no one to save me because he will find me and bring me back! 

R- I got it, mate.

H- We understand Aries. It must be difficult living like this. Well, we will always be here for you, Aries!

R- That's right mate! Just let me know and I'll send some of Gred and Forge's pranks over! 

A- Thanks guys! 

Aries spent a lot of time thinking the situation over, and he just has to make it work. 

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