Part 6

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3rd Person POV

In disbelief, Aries stared open mouthed at his nemesis who was mistaken to be a friend by his adoptive father. This just goes to show how little Tom knows Aries.

Judging by the look on Aries' face, Tom began to second guess his decision, a first for him.

Tom said "Aries. Draco here has agreed to keep you company here during your days in the manor."

Aries could only glare in Draco's direction. He then bravely spit out "Is this some kind of joke?!" Before Aries could go further, Tom decided to assert himself and say "Aries Thomas Marvolo Riddle! Do not speak to me so disrespectfully. I took pity on you and invited over someone to spend your days with. Either you spend time with Draco or you are stuck here alone!"

Aries' eyed opened wide. Tom had yet to be assertive with him so this was the first time he really raised his voice! He only crinkled his eyebrows towards Tom and said "Fine! But why not invite a friend to stay here with me?"

Tom had an unrecognizable look on his face and said "I invited Draco here to keep you out of trouble. Do not have an attitude with me Aries Thomas! I am your father and you will show me some respect!"

Aries could only force an indignant expression off his face and walk away from his father. Ever since he walked out of the floo, Draco was uncharacteristically quiet. However, he did speak up. "Aries. Since we will be spending time together, I think we should at least try to get along."

He didn't want to admit it, bit Draco had a point. He nodded to Draco and said "We may as well try to get passed our differences."


Tom allowed the boys to spend the day together and get used to one another. It because obvious to Tom that Aries and Draco were not friends like he thought. No matter though, Draco knew that he was there to keep his son company.

He popped in at the Ministry and set about to do the work that was waiting for him. In all honesty, he was very surprised that there has been no uprising against him and his takeover of the Ministry. Maybe its because he has been doing a good job or maybe it's because he had a talk with The Order.

That's right! Tom Riddle and The Order had a civil conversation and none are dead or injured. Tom basically told them of his plans and even allowed them to administer some Veritaserum! All in all, they convinced Wizarding Britain to lay off.

Tom laughed to himself. This was all way too easy.


Aries hated to admit it, but Draco wasn't as bad as he anticipated. The blond was kind of funny and he didn't act as pretentious as he did in school. Dare he say, they might have the potential to be friends.

Aries asked "So why have you acted like this in school if you're not really like that?"

Draco answered "I was never like that with other people, only you and your friends because you turned down my friendship."

Aries busted out laughing at that statement. "You basically threw a tantrum because I wouldn't be your friend?!"

Draco chucked. little to until it dies down. Suddenly Aries got serious and he asked "Why did my father ask you to be here with me?"

Draco said "He only wants to make sure you stay out of trouble! Honestly!" Aries' eyes darkened "So you're here to babysit me?!"

Draco held up his hands placatingly and said "I'm here because your father asked mine and he told me to."

Aries looked annoyed and said "So you're being forced into this too?" Draco only nodded his head. Aries got a strange look in his eyes and asked "Want to get back at your father and mine?"

Draco shook his head frantically. "Aries! I kind of think we are friends at this point and as your friend, I'm telling you that you don't want to mess with them!"

Aries seemed a little taken aback at that statement. Maybe he's right? Aries allowed Draco to see his vulnerability and said "You're right! I don't really know them..."

And like a flash of lightening, Aries' entire situation hit him full force. The adoption, his life turned upside down. Voldemort adopted him?!?!

Now Aries is freaking out! What if this entire thing is a front to hurt him? What is Voldemort tries to kill him! He really doesn't know anything about anything right now! How could he be so blind to this? How could the order be so blind to allow this to happen?!

What about Sirius and the rest of the Wizarding world?! What are they doing to help?!

Aries didn't know who he could trust at this point. He has to get out of here! With that, he ran to the floo before Draco could stop him!

Aries just can't handle it right now.

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