Part 16

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3rd Person POV

Aries didn't know it, but him calling Tom "Father" set off a catalyst of events that would basically change his life.

Tom just couldn't get over how much Aries was adjusting to his new life. He honestly thought it would take much longer and it would be more difficult.

But then again, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing for them. Also considering their relationship before........and the fact that Aries probably didn't even realize what he said.

But he was wrong with that.

Aries realized what he said, and now he's freaking out!!!! Tom? Father? No, no way.  Voldemort isn't his dad!

Well, technically he is, but he isn't. You know?

He knew he couldn't give in and start calling Tom "dad". It's just wrong! And his parents would never approve!

Heck, he killed them! But he did promise that no harm would come to him. Tom did say that he was only interested in being a family.

Then Aries stopped. A family? Could a family only be two people?

No! STOP! Things can't change any more, can they? Would Tom bring in someone?

Wow, now things are getting complicated. Why is he so upset over the prospect of their family growing.

Ok now he just referred to them as a family. What's going on?


Tom was thinking the exact same thing. What IS going on? Why is he freaking out over being called a simple name. It is what he is.

He couldn't stop pacing. He could only think about how much he's been "freaking" out lately.

He has to talk to someone about this. But who?

Severus Snape. His go to. His confidant.

And with that, he stuck his head in the nearest fireplace and fire-called Severus.

S- Tom?

T- Severus, I need to talk to you

S- Alright, I'll come through

Severus walks through the fire place

T- Thank you. Well, after I punished Aries for his transgressions, we talked and he called me "father". I believe it to be unintentional on his part, but....."

S- But you don't know how to feel about it? You're nervous with how things are progressing?

Taking Tom's silence as a "yes", he continued.

S- I was not there to witness this conversation, obviously. However, while I do feel Aries' slip-up was purely accidental, I also believe that he unconsciously thinks of you as his father. He may not be ready to, accept it, but the feelings are there.

Tom thought about what Severus was saying. He was basically saying that he had to wait longer for an intentional "father"

Wait! Does this mean he's okay with it?! Is Tom okay with it? He turned to ask Severus this, but the look on the man's face already answered.

Wow. How did Snape even know what he would ask?

Remarkable man. Tom took a moment to look at Snape. It was then that he noticed the man's onyx eyes and luxurious, pink lips.

He had to snap himself out of his musings to see Snape looking at him strangely.

Severus Snape was a very smart man. Smart enough to keep himself out of the Dark Lord's attention. That is, until he became just Tom Riddle.

Let's be honest. The man was a maniac up until six months ago. But seeing him in actual human form, he could see the man's obvious intelligence and witt.

Snape sighed. He really needed to stop this! He has to stop crushing on the parents of his students!

Well, only if you consider him a father. Truth be told, Severus was angry when Tom uprooted the life of the boy he once deeply despised (through no fault of his own). Now seeing how he appeared to be caring towards the boy, well, it gave him mixed feelings.

Severus turned to look at Tom, realizing he's been quiet for way too long. What he saw absolutely took his breath away.

His eyes captured the other man's dark, mysterious eyes. His sleek jawline. His hair fashioned in short side curls.

Tom saw Severus' sleek black hair, onyx eyes, and his broad shoulders and couldn't help but feel the same.

Tom contemplated his earlier thoughts of finding someone to spend time with. Right now, Severus is looking like a viable option.


After a few hours of racking his brain, Aries decided that he needed to talk to someone about his feelings. Who better than his head of house?

He made his way down to the dungeons and in the corridor where Snape's office is located.

Normally, he wouldn't even think of talking to the man outside the classroom, but he's been more tolerable lately. Maybe because he's now in Snape's house.

Aries knocked on the door and listened for a reply, but all he heard was rushed whispering and a familiar voice.

Suddenly the door opened and Snape was looking at him with slightly wide eyes.

With weary eyes, Aries asked "Sir? Can I speak with you about something?"

Snape seemed to snap himself out and said "Make it quick Mr. Riddle"

Aries sat on the chair in front the man's desk and began speaking. "Well, all in all, I called Tom my father by accident after I was punished for the party. It came out without me realizing and I don't know how to feel about it.

Snape looked slightly uncomfortable and said "Calling your adoptive father by that name is only okay if you are okay with it. If you think of him as your father in any way, then it is bound to happen. I understand that you may feel as though he doesn't deserve the title, but over the last few months, he was acted like a father, and treated you like a son. So think on this and decide whether you see him as someone you can call father or dad and whether he deserves it."

This gave Aries a lot to think on. The man had a point. Tom did act like his father. They did make great strides concerning their relationship, so what's wrong?

Aries was about to thank the professor and leave, but before he could, the fireplace roared and Tom popped out. In a rush, he said "Want to know what? I'm NOT sorry I kissed you!"

Tom didn't realize Aries was standing there until it was too late. Tom and Severus were wide eyed and Aries' jaw dropped.

He stuttered out "You two....kissed!!? You kissed my professor?"

Aries didn't know why, but he felt angry and possessive! No one should kiss HIS father! Yeah that's right, FATHER! He didn't care, this isn't okay!

And he let his anger be known by storming out of the office, leaving a still shocked Tom and Severus behind.

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