Part 29

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3rd Person POV

Aries inherently knew that he should've checked the letter, but it looked too much like Sirius' handwriting to just ignore. 

He met this person without checking for spells and without letting anyone know.

And as luck would have it, the person meeting him was NOT Sirius Black. 

In fact, it was a group of people, all willing to impersonate Aries' godfather in order to get to him.

Aries was miffed. He crossed his arms and asked "Well? What is it that you want, then?"

A twin pair of smirks appeared on the face of the Weasley twins as their mother and a few other order members stood in front of him. 

Molly put on a soothing voice and said "Dear we're just worried about you. We wanted to get you to a neutral place to ask if you're really okay. He isn't forcing you into anything, is he? 

Aries didn't know how to feel about this. He awkwardly shifted from foot to foot and avoided eye contact. "I appreciate all this, but things are going fine!"

Molly put a comforting hand on his shoulder and asked "Are you sure? The last time we saw you two, you were sneaking out and trying to avoid him at all costs."

Aries replied "Well that was in the beginning, things are different now. We've come to an understanding. But never mind about that! Why did you impersonate Sirius?! Why didn't you just write me a letter asking me to meet?"

Arthur Weasley rubbed the back of his neck nervously and said "We wanted to do that originally, but we were afraid Tom would intercept the letter and we wouldn't get to see you."

Aries rubbed his hand over his face and said "The twins literally go to school with me. They could've told me. Besides that, what made you think I was unhappy? All of that happened weeks ago!"

Molly tilted her head to the side and said "Well......he's Voldemort. You can't possible be happy with that man."

Now Aries was getting irked "I did just say that I am happy. And Tom has changed a lot actually. I don't really see him as Voldemort anymore. He's actually pretty caring and tries to help me. He makes sure I'm happy, healthy, a hell of a lot more than the Dursley's ever did!"

Aries never thought he would have to defend the man, but there he was, doing it in front of people he considers family. 

He began to pace back and forth "You haven't seen him the way I have. He acts like a real parent. It's honestly something I think I really needed. I am truly happy and I hope you guys can support me."

Kingsley Shacklebot stepped forward and said "If you say he's changed, then we believe you. But just know that we stand behind you, not him. He's done a lot of bad to this world, so it would be hard to support him, but we definitely support you.

The Weasley's stepped forward and Arthur said "We agree Aries. You do seem happier so we grudgingly have to give credit to....Tom. But just know son, if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask, you're family. You always have been and you always will be."

Aries allowed the warmth to overtake him and he let the kind words wash over him. A slight blush ran up his cheeks and he said "Thank you, I really appreciate it. Thank you for looking out for me, but I really am okay. I'm happy."

Aries allowed the small group to engulf him in a hug. For a moment, he let himself enjoy the comfort before pulling away. 

Molly said "Alright dear. If you're sure. We trust you." She pulled him into one more hug before allowing him to leave the building feeling ten times better now that he had the approval of the closest friends of his parents.

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