Part 10

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3rd Person POV

What just happened?

Aries touched his cheek. Draco just kissed him there.

Did he like it?

No! No way!!! Right?

Confusion settled on his face as sleep and exhaustion overcame his mind.

The next few days passed as Aries enjoyed what little bit of time he has left of summer recess. Things were more or less the same in the manor, save for one minor (major?) exception.

Tom is always around! Like, he's always hanging around the manor, not going to work.

The creepiest thing of all? Wherever Aries is, Tom just happens to be.

In all honestly, Aries thought he was becoming something like a helicopter parent. When Aries is on the Quidditch pitch, so is Tom.

When Aries is in his entertainment room, Tom just happens to be passing the room.

When Aries in studying in the library, Tom happens to be researching something as well.

He was going crazy! He doesn't know how to escape the man!

Is this what all parents do to their children?

Eyes wide and mouth agape. Aries looked at himself in horror. Did he just refer to The Dark Lord Voldemort as his parent!?

Now Aries knows that he's really losing his marbles.

He walked down to the breakfast table where said helicopter parent was calmly enjoying his meal and reading the Prophet.

He turned to Aries in order to inquire about his day's plans. 

"Good morning Aries. Do you know what you want to do today?"

Aries' eyes widened as his body tensed. Why did this entire scene seem so domestic? Shaking off the uncomfortable feeling, he turned to the Dark Lord and replied "I will be spending my day in the library, studying for the upcoming semester, sir."

Now it was Tom's turn to reel back in shock, not that he actually showed it. Since when does Aries call him sir? He simply let the boy go on and do what he planned. No sense in stopping him from benefiting himself. 

The relationship between adoptive father and son seemed so forced and neither knew what to do to make the situation better. Truth be told, Tom didn't have a real plan when he decided to adopt Aries. He thought things would just fall into place. He has been proved wrong. 

Turning around, he said "Wait Aries. I would actually prefer it if we could spend the day together. I have been attempting to bond with you these past few days, but it seems as though I have not been obvious." 

On the inside, Aries was screaming out in frustration. Of course he noticed!!

Aries replied "Alright then."

Tom allowed Aries to dress properly for their outing and then they were off. 

Tom held his arm out for Aries to take so they can apparate. Aries uncomfortably gripped the man's arm and they popped away from their home and into Diagon Alley. 

Aries immediately let go of the arm as of he had been touching acid perviously and Tom tried not to let this bother him. He reminded himself that a relationship is a work in progress.

Walking side by side, the pair made their way up and down the alley in silence. The entire way, Tom berating himself for having nothing to talk about and Aries beating himself for allowing himself to be gripped in this situation. He should have said no. 

Hesitantly, Tom stopped walking and prompted Aries to sit down at the Hog's Head. He turned to Aries and said "I wish to get to know you. Why don't you tell me about your days at Hogwarts." 

Aries stared at the man in disbelief as he said "My four years at school have been spent trying to find ways to defeat the man that killed my parents."

The Dark Lord at least had the decency to look away in shame and for once, he let his guard down and said "Aries. I was a mad man back them. I am ashamed of the methods I used simply because I feared death. Of course, now I have my sanity back and am no longer trying to escape my inevitable death. I am truly sorry for being the subject of your nightmares and anything negative in your life."

Aries blinked, taking in the man's words. He said "You are not the subject of everything negative. Living with my relatives before........" 

Aries didn't finish his sentence. He wasn't ready to open up to the man. 

Taking this as a win, Tom happily obliged when Aries expressed his want to return to Riddle Manor. They both had a lot to think about. 

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