Part 26

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3rd Person POV

Serving out repercussions was something Tom was very familiar with. Especially to those most deserving of it. 

Kidnapping his son, torturing him, beating him, not feeding him. Ha! They'll definitely feel his wrath.

Tom had to ensure that both Aries and Draco were in the very capable hands of the mediwitches before he stomped off to a secluded area. 

He figured out that the men, Rayland and Rolph, created a specialized spell that, when casted, allowed them to cast spells in a certain space and no one else could. It explained why they were able to cruelly body transform in front the boys, making them think they were being rescued.

He also discovered that Rolph's house was under the cloaking charm, which explained why they didn't discover it before and the only reason why the point- me charm worked was because blood was spilt (A/N: I am completely making this up as I go) 

Tom began to pace erratically. What could he do to remedy this? If he were to let this go without the proper punishment, his enemies would take this as a signal to also go after his family. 

Ahhhhhh........he knows what to do.


Aries felt like he got run over by a truck. Agony, pure agony ran through his body. But this didn't stop him from wriggling around the bed. 

"Mr. Riddle!" came the sharp tone of one of the mediwitches. "Stop moving around! You have 3 cracked ribs, blood loss, bruised skin, and a mild concussion. You cannot aggravate yourself like this."

But Aries didn't care! He had to find Draco, make sure he's okay!

When the disgruntled witch turned away, he began to get up from his bed to find Draco. He was halfway out the room when the witch turned back and yelled for him. 

At that point, Aries booked it and ran as fast as his aching body would allow. Right when he made it through the door, he heard a "Mr. Riddle come back here!", but he was already gone. 

Aries was panting as he rushed down the hallway, dodging other people and sticking his head into every room until he found Draco. 

After more than 10 rooms, he finally found the other boy. He seemed to be in the same situation as Aries, arguing with the healers. The only difference is, Draco stayed when Aries ran.

When the healers finally left, Aries finally managed to sneak his way into the other's room. 

His eyes took in the body on the bed. Black and blue splotches littered the battered form of one Draconis Lucius Malfoy. 

The other boy failed to notice Aries' presence until Aries held his hand. Draco's eyes found Aries' and a weak smile enveloped his face. "Aries! What are you doing?"

A whisper could be heard "I promised you that father would come for us, didn't I?"

He brushed a soft kiss against the other's cheek, just when Tom bust into the room. 

"Aries! Why are the healers telling me that you're giving them a hard time? Let them do their job and stop leaving your room!"

The boy all but stomped out the room upon hearing this. Tom was about to close the door when a thought came to him. "Draco, how are you feeling? Better I hope."

Draco merely nodded at the man and said "Much better, sir. Thank you."

Tom awkwardly nodded his head and left the room. According to him, nothing is worse than trying to interact with your child's partner. 

He shook his head in a defeated manner and walked to Aries' room. Arms crossed, he approached the bed where a now sullen teen sat. 

"Aries, you were just kidnapped and subjected to all variations of torture. You need care and rest!"

The boy rolled his eyes, hoping Tom wouldn't see, and said "You are being such a helicopter parent! I am fine!"

Tom reeled back as if he had been slapped. "Helicopter parent?! I'll have you know, I made sure you were well taken care of! Need I list all of the injuries you sustained?"

For the first time, Aries heard the desperation that laced his father's tone. He looked up at the man, softness in his eyes, and said "I'm fine now. I'm here."

For just one moment, Tom allowed the fear to take over. The fear of almost losing his son. The boy he forced himself to love and accidentally fell in love with for real. 

Taking a deep breath, Tom pretended like it didn't happen and simply said "Stay here. The healers informed me you may be able to leave by tonight."

Aries watched on as the man left. 

Would he ever be able to embrace the relationship that was forming?


When Tom left St Mungos, he made his way to the Ministry building to finish what he started. The entire wizarding world was waiting with baited breath for him to lash out. 

However, he was determined to prove he was no longer the same person who would kill without question. 

So he had to go about this legally and what better way than go through the government? 

As minister, he was able to call for an emergency Wizengamot meeting. Within an hour, hundreds of witches and wizards were popping into the building and making their way into the meeting room. 

With flourish, Tom waved his wand to place protective charms all around the room and began to speak. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for arriving on such short notice, but I'm sure most of you have heard that Lord Malfoy's and my heir were taken two days ago. Well, they have been found and sustained a number of injuries!"

He allowed the alarmed mutters to wash over him before continuing "We have also found the identities of those responsible. Rayland Maldrid and Rolph Calpertino must be punished! I hereby move that they be held in a trial! All those in favor?"

He watched in glee as every wand raised. Good. At least they all realized the situation's severity. Two affluent and well known heirs were kidnapped. 

There will be hell to pay.

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