Part 27

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Aries popped his head around the corner, upon seeing no mediwitches around, he quickly sprinted into the room, only to come face to face with Lucius Malfoy. 

Now, one would think that Aries would have warmed up to the man, but he could never forget how horrible he had been to him until his adoption. 

Post-adoption was a different story. Aries felt as though Lucius was sucking up to him just because of who his father is, but Aries always just ignored the blathering man. 

When Aries slipped into the room, Lucius was leaving, but seeing his lord's son, he just had to stay. 

"Aries! How are you feeling?!" The boy tried hard not to roll his eyes and replied "I am feeling much better. There is no point in me being here anymore."

Lucius smiled nervously and said "That's great to hear. I am relieved that serious injuries were not sustained." Aries only stared at the man. What else could he even say? 

Lucius awkwardly asked, "So will your father be visiting again?"

Now Aries rolled his eyes. This was was such a suck-up, ugh. But he had to be nice to Draco's father. 

Before he could answer though, a voice was heard from behind. "Aries Riddle. Young man, you are lucky you are being released or else I would stick you to your bed. Come with me."

Aries gritted out "Yes father." 

Tom did not say a thing as they walked back to his room. Finally, he said "Gather your things. the head mediwitch has cleared you and Draco to leave."

Aries wasted no time gathering his few belongings and following Tom out the door and to the apparition point. He wanted to wait for Draco, but Tom told him Lucius wanted to spend time with his son alone. 

No matter, Aries will have his time.

Tom apparated him home, only for Flipsy to go all mother hen on him the moment Aries was settled in bed. 

"Young master Riddle! In bed in bed! Youse not well! OOhhhhh. I will make soup." She kept shrieking around him.

Tom had to stop himself from wincing. Both from the noise and from the news he had to give Aries. 

He stood and said to Aries "Son, I know you just got home, but I do have to go out for business. I should be back late tonight.

Aries squinted his eyes in suspicion "Where could you possibly be going? It's dinnertime."

Tom put his arms behind his back "I gave some Wizengamot business to handle. While I am gone, you will stay in bed and rest. If I hear from Flipsy that you gave her trouble, we will be having a different conversation. Is that understood?" 

Aries was still suspicious but agreed nonetheless. 


Tom arrived at the Ministry and headed straight to the meeting room where Witches and Wizards were filing in the room. Soon enough, they were ready to begin.

Tom cast a spell to project his voice and said "Witches and Wizards we are gathered here today to witness the trial of Rayland Maldrid and Rolph Calpertino for the kidnapping and torture of the heirs of the Noble and Most Ancient houses of Slytherin and Malfoy."

The two were seen chained up in the center of the room. Ministry and Azkaban guards surrounded the room. 

Tom, as Minister and Supreme Mugwump spoke up, "How do you plead?"

They both said, "Guilty."

The room got loud as everyone began speaking. Tom called for quiet and said "Very well. Please tell the room why you committed such acts."

Rolph barely choked out "Money. We thought taking the lads for ransom would lead to some money."

A wizard shouted out from the crowd "And what about the torture?"

Apparently, Rayland couldn't help himself from shouting "The brats deserve it! Why do they get all this fame and wealth?! Just because they come from prominent families?!"

Rolph, the idiot, yelled "We enjoyed hearing their whimpering and cries!!! HA! The blond-haired one kept saying "My father will hear about this." HAHHAHAHAHA where was daddy when I cast the blood-boiling curse on him!?"

The two kept laughing maniacally while the entire room just watched them disgusted. Why would they even admit to all that? Idiots. The entire room yelled.

Tom banged his gavel. "Order! All in favor of life in Azkaban, highest floor, no chance of getting out?"

Every wand was raised. Good. Quicket trial ever. The two were taken out of the room and the Wizengamot members milled around for a bit, discussing the brashness of the two men. 

Lord Abbott said "Those poor lads. I hope they're okay." 

Lady Longbottom said, "Well for one, I hope they rot!"

Tom was pleased with what he was hearing. 

Soon enough, everyone went home and Tom was able to apparate home.

It was only 9 pm, but Tom was not expecting the scene when he finally arrived. 

Flipsy was wailing, and Aries was angrily shouting with a newspaper in hand. Tom stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, before jumping into action.

"What is the meaning of this?! Flipsy?"

Flipsy cut her wailing short "I tried to stop it master, but the owl flew in with newspaper in Young master's window, and young master read front page and he got very angry! Flipsy try to calm him, but young master very upset!" 

Tom looked to Aries, who wasted no time in shoving the front page at him "There's a Wizengamot meeting about mine and Draco's kidnappers and you didn't think to tell me?!"

Merlin, he knew he should've said something.

Cautiously, Tom stepped forward "Son. I didn't say anything because I did not wish to bring it up and cause distress. You were kidnapped!"

Aries was upset "Rubbish! You could've just told me and it would've been fine! I wouldn't have even fought to go! But you lied! How am I supposed to trust you now?!"

Tom couldn't excuse that one. He did lie.

He tried to stutter out an excuse, but Aries already stormed off to his room.


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