• Chapter 37 •

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• Tyler •

"So when did y'all get together?" Stacy asked, lying down next to me on my bed, though she kept shifting every five seconds.

"A month ago," I mumbled, fuddling with the hem of my shirt. We never really talked about it after that day. It's not like we didn't talk, we just avoided the topic of that.

"You guys are cute together," she said, after a while. "When did you know you were attracted to guys?"

"I don't know," I said, sighing softly. "Luca made me realize that I could like guys too,"

"So he was the first guy you liked?" Stacy questioned and I felt her shift again on the bed.

"Yeah, I think,"

"How did you know you were attracted to him?" She asked, again and now I was starting to get annoyed. I didn't even understand it how could I possibly explain it to her. I just wanted to be around him all the time, he made me smile more than anyone else could and I felt comfortable with him. It didn't make sense but at the same time it made perfect sense.

"How did you know you were attracted to your boyfriend?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry," Stacy mumbled, and she shifted again.

"Would you stay still?" I hissed, getting up abruptly and she let out a small gasp.


"No, don't apologize," I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm just stressed out right now."

"Why?" She asked, her words now laced with concern.

"I-I think I'm going to come out to everyone today," I said, I could hear my heart pounding.

"Today?" She asked, sounding taken aback. "Are you sure?"

"I don't want to feel like I'm lying to them all the fucking time," I said, tears burned my eyes.

"You're not lying to them, Tyler," she said, softly, placing her hand on my shoulder, comfortingly. "You only need to come out when you're completely ready."

"No, I am. I want to do it today," I said, trying to stop myself from overthinking too much. If I didn't tell them with the confidence I had today I was afraid I would hide from them forever. I didn't want this to be something I was ashamed of. "I've thought about it,"

"If you're sure, I'm here to back you up," Stacy said and smiled softly though my gaze was strained upward trying to stop myself from crying. "Whatever happens you'll always have me, okay?"

I nodded. "I know,"

"You're going to do it at dinner?"

"Yeah, everyone will be there today," I said, biting my lip nervously. "Dad's home early as well so this is the best day to do it,"

"You're sure right?" She asked again her voice dripping with worry.

"I am," I assured, taking a sharp breath. "I'm ready,"

Coming out was a nerve-racking process. There were so many possible outcomes it was terrifying. I read about it online, about people's experiences. Some people were lucky to have an accepting family but others were on the streets after. I knew it wouldn't be that bad even if they didn't agree with it. They wouldn't do that to me. They never were openly homophobic and I had seen my mother often sympathize with cases that were on the news about pride getting ruined and so on.

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