• Chapter 25 •

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• Tyler •

"Luca please call me back," I begged, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "I'm really fucking sorry. Iris told me what happened. I swear I didn't know why he asked me. God, I'm such a fucking idiot. Anything I good, I have to go and mess it up. Luca please, I'm sorry. I'm stupid. Please call me back, Luca."

I was really starting to hate voice mail.

I tried calling him so many times and he refused to pick up. I mean, I don't blame him. If I found out that Luca had done something as horrible as I had, I would have been furious too. I guess the fact that Luca had done it would make everything a whole lot worse.

I'm sure Luca wasn't as attached to me as I was to him. I mean who would want to be best friends with the blind kid? Okay, Iris is an exception. She's crazy. But Luca? He is different. He deserves a better friend than me. Maybe this was fate keeping me away from him. His life would be miserable with me in it. I know about what Luca had tried to do to himself and that all the more reason to not make his life worse by adding me into the equation.

Maybe I should just give trying to call him.

I know it wasn't completely my fault but I was being ridiculously stupid to trust someone like Jordan.

I groaned dramatically feeling my eyes sting slightly as I fell back onto the couch. I heard someone walk in, and I knew it was Lucas. After all, he was the only one home to witness my little breakdown. He knew what was going on after I was forced into telling him. He noticed something was off as soon as I got home and wouldn't stop pestering me until I told him what had happened.

"I'm guessing Luca hasn't picked up yet?" he asked, as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"No," I muttered, covering my face with my hands.

"Don't worry, kid," he said, ruffling my hair. I was too frustrated to even shove his hand off like I usually would. "He means that much to you?" his words accompanied by a slight gasp.

I groaned again with a short nod. "He'll never forgive me,"

"I have an idea." He said, suddenly getting up from the couch. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up causing me to let out a noise of disapproval.

"What?" I whined, trying to get him to let go of my hand.

"Apology cookies!" He said, dragging me to the kitchen.

"Apology cookies?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know what they say, a way to a man's or woman's heart is food." He said, in a matter-of-factly tone.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not proposing to him," I hissed, as I started getting more annoyed, however, I felt shades tint a light shade of pink.

He mumbled something under his breath which sounded a lot like "You might as well be."

"What did you say?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in dismay.

"Nothing!" he squeaked immediately.

I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Let's get started. Come on, trust me. It'll work," he said, desperately trying to distract me.

"Fine," I huffed, giving in. "Let's bake some cookies. Wait, do you know how to make cookies?"

He let out a sheepish laugh. "Well, not really but I'm sure we can find a recipe online," He said, awkwardly. I rolled my eyes, smacking my hand on my forehead. God, this was going to be a long day.

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