• Chapter 19 •

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• Tyler •

You're coming over, right?

Luca was coming over today to work on a project and my room was an absolute mess. It was really dusty since my dad had recently bought up a few old boxes which he had forgotten about until earlier today. The boxes were still scattered around my room and I was too lazy to clean it up. It wasn't too bad though since I could still get around without tripping.

I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10.

K bye.


I sighed, flopping down on my bed, feeling exhausted. I didn't even do anything today but I just felt so tired. My head was pounding, as well. It felt like I had a hangover but the only problem in that theory was that I didn't drink.

"Why?" I groaned, dragging my hand down my face dramatically.

"You okay?" I heard Stacy say from outside my room. I groaned in response, causing the door to creak open. I heard her flip-flops smack against her heels as she walked over to me.

"What do you want?" I whined, annoyingly, as I lay flat on my bed, not planning on getting up anytime soon.

"Your room's a mess," she stated, sounding rather bored.

"Gee, thanks," I responded, sarcastically, running my hand through my hair.

"I'm going out with Mase today," she said, and I could sense the smile in her voice.

The corner of my lips tugged upward. "Okay," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. The thought of Stacy dating someone was so absurd. I definitely needed to get used to this.

"I actually have to go now," she said, sheepishly. "Will you be okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a baby. I can handle being alone at home," I said, bitterly. "Plus, I won't even be alone, Luca will be here any moment now,"

Stacy let out a sigh and ruffled my hair before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Alright then, bye,"

I nodded, hearing her footsteps receding. I rolled to my side as ran my hand across the comforter. Boredom sucks.

I felt around for my phone randomly before getting a hold of it. I switched it on and like usual no messages. I groaned laying on my back once again but I accidentally dropped my phone on my face.

"Shit," I hissed, clutching my nose in pain. I swiped my finger across the bottom of my nose to see if I was bleeding. Thankfully, I wasn't.

But that didn't stop my nose from throbbing.

I got up and dragged myself to the living room wishing my time away.

Finally, the doorbell rang. A small smile spread across my face as I practically ran towards the door and flung it open.

"Hey, T-Tyler," Luca said, awkwardly and I could sense his nervousness. Why was he nervous? Did I do something wrong?

"Hey," I said, my smile turning into a slight frown as I stepped aside to let him in. I heard him shuffle inside and I shut the door with a slight 'thud'.
Luca let out a soft yelp in surprise.

"Sorry," He mumbled, sounding quite embarrassed. "I'm just a little jumpy today,"

I simply shrugged and gestured for him to follow me as I made my way into my room. All my stuff was there and I was too lazy to bring it out.

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