• Prologue •

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• Tyler •

My mom walked out of the doctor's office with tears brimming her eyes. A sad smile was placed on her glossy lips as she plopped down next to me. My heart dropped. Immediately, I knew it was gonna be bad news. Every time she has that smile on her face something was always wrong.

"Oh baby," she whispered, pulling me into a hug, burying her head into my shoulder. "I'm s-so sorry,"

"Why? What happened?" I asked, slowly pulling away from her. My gaze frantically scanning my mother's face for any other tells. I wiped away the tears that had slipped down my mom's face, soaking her pale skin and leaving it vulnerable. She broke down choking on her words as she tried to tell me.

"T-they d-diagnosed you with severe r-retinitis pigmentosa," she sobbed, placing her hand on my knee. I didn't know what that meant but I knew what she said was bad. I knew something was wrong with me, but at that moment I couldn't process anything. It was just a blurry haze. Almost as if it wasn't real. Like it was far away. I was there but not fully present. It was as if it was a distant memory at the back of my head.

"What's that?" I managed to get out before gulping nervously. My heart pounded in my chest as she bit her lip in hesitation. I knew. "Am I gonna go blind?"
And that was all she needed to start shaking with sobs. I was going to go blind. I knew what was happening. But it felt almost surreal. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. It was all too distant.

"It's okay," I said, with a steady voice as I wrapped my hands around my crying mom. "I'll be okay,"

My mom looked at me smiling and crying at the same time. "You're so brave," She whispered, caressing my face with her hand. I flinched.
That's when everything hit me in one huge wave of pain. I was dragged into the sea of darkness. The toxic water filling my lungs as I tried to gasp for air. I was trapped underneath the dark ocean flailing my arms around, pathetically. I tried to escape from the nightmare of reality but I couldn't.

I was going to go blind. I would no longer be able to paint. I would no longer be able to walk without a freaking stick or a guide dog. Everything was going to change. I would be different. No one would want to be friends with a blind kid. I was going to lose everything. I was going to lose everyone. I would be all alone. Floating beneath my own feelings. Battling against myself. Failing to free myself from the dark cage that trapped me. All alone.

I sobbed. I cried. My mom hugged me. My mom tried to calm me down, even though she was in tears herself. But I couldn't stop.
I was going blind.
I was going blind.
Was going blind.
Going blind.

• • •

Actual chapters will be a lot longer. This chapter was just a brief on what happened.
The rest of the chapters will be starting from a few years later.

Disclaimer: I have tried my best in researching about this particular eye disease.
By writing this story I am NOT trying to offend anyone who is visually impaired. So please remember that I am not trying to put down anyone with disabilities.

This book contains triggering themes like self-harm, swearing (in Spanish mainly though) but yes there will be a cuss words, homophobic slurs and bullying. This will be the last warning so please proceed with caution.

This is a boyxboy if you don't like it then don't read it.
I will not tolerate any homophobic remarks on this book. Any comment I see which is disrespectful to the community will be deleted and blocked.

If there are any grammatical errors feel free to correct me. I am always trying to improve my work and some small mistakes may slip past me when I proofread so please feel free point them out.

Thank you for picking this book!
Hope y'all like it!


Hope. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora