• Chapter 6 •

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• Luca •

"Aren't we supposed to do our partner work today, for English," Tyler asked, as he gathered his books from the table. His gaze was set to the front of the class but it was obvious he was talking to me.

I nodded then realized that really doesn't work. "I-uh, yeah," I stuttered, dropping my books out of nervousness. I saw him flinch at the loud noise. I immediately felt awful.

He regained his composure fast enough but I saw the fear flashing in front of his face as the sound echoed through the classroom. Mostly everyone except me, Tyler and Iris had left, since the bell rang.
Obviously, everyone was super eager to get out of school. Usually, I was too. But today I felt nauseous even thinking about going home.

"I'm so sorry," I muttered, quickly picking up the books. "Um, today's is not really good for me. I have to um- I have some errands to run," I didn't want to tell him the real reason why I won't be there. Papi was flying in to meet me and Angela today.

Even thinking about him made my stomach churn. I hadn't seen him for a whole year and I couldn't shake the thought of how awkward it would be to make conversation with him.

Like what am I supposed to say, 'Hey Papi, basically everyone hates you because you're a drunkard. Welcome home!'

I shook the thought of my head returning my gaze to the taller boy.

"It's alright." He said, a sad smile on his lips. "How about tomorrow at my place?"

I smiled at him even though I knew he couldn't see it. "That would be perfect,"

He nodded as he zipped up his backpack. He put his bag on his lap and Iris quickly walked over sending me a small smile before wheeling him out.

Iris has a really pretty smile. No wonder so many guys were behind her.

I quickly gathered my things and walked out of the class. My eyes turned to the clock in the hallway and I realized I was extremely late. Tyler and Iris were still in the hallway so I contemplated what to do next. Finally decided that if I wanted to get to the cafe -the place where dad had asked to meet us- on time then I ought to start running. So that's what I did. I ran through the corridor with my hands gripping my bag's strap. I bet I looked crazy. I bet Iris thought I was crazy. Probably Tyler too. He could probably hear my footsteps squeaking against the marbled floor as I ran.

I wasn't very athletic so by the time I reached outside I was panting heavily, with my hands on my knees.

"Where were you for so long, idiot?" Angela asked, slugging her arms around my shoulder causing me to wince. I groaned as I shoved her arm off of me. "What's up your ass?"

"Nothing," I said, irked. "Can't you just leave me alone for once?"

"I know it's gonna be hard to see dad after all this time. But it's good for us," she said, sending me a sad smile. "Come on, hermano. Don't be a bad boy,"

"Shut up," I mumbled, but I couldn't stop the small smile that crept its way into my face. "Come on, let's go."

We walked towards the car with our hands interlocked. Both of us were nervous. I could sense that she was nervous and I'm pretty sure she could sense mine.

I don't remember us getting into the car.
I don't remember us driving to the cafe.
But soon, there we were. Standing in front of the cafe. Dreading to meet the person who was waiting for us inside.

Both of us took in a breath before we turned to face each other. She shot me a reassuring smile and I returned the favour.

Together we walked in. And there he was. Papi. He was sitting in the corner of the cafe with his hands entwined. He looked nervous. He looked older than the last time I saw him. His wrinkled were more defined and his hair had started to go grey. As soon as his gaze met ours, a smile took over his features. We walked over to the table and awkwardly sat down.

"Hi, papi," Angela said breaking the silence.

"Hello, lupita," He said, almost sadly. "You've grown so much since the last time I saw you," his thick Spanish accent coated his words. He could have spoken in Spanish but he didn't. I didn't know why. But he didn't.

I never really figured out my dad. He was in the army for a few years. Then after he came back, he started drinking. My mom had asked him to get help, but he refused. She used to yell at him, telling him he had a huge ego and one day it was going to land him in a very bad place. She was right.

One day, after the accident, my mom lost it. She kicked him out of the house. I remember hearing her yelling at my dad. Angela and I hid under the blankets as Angela ran her fingers through my hair. She kept on whispering that everything would be alright. But I think she was trying to reassure herself more than me.

The next morning I woke up and he was gone. My mom told me it was for the best. And I didn't argue with her. Neither of us did. I remember her being really sad. She got to the point where she would barely eat anything. And then we moved. We moved to America.

We found a nice house in New Jersey and here we are. 2 years later.

"Hi, papi," I said, finally. He looked at me with a sad smile.

"Hello, papito," He said, ruffling my hair. I flinched at the contact and he immediately retracted his hand. He looked ashamed. And he should be. "Both of you have changed so much."

"We have." Said Angela, with a smile. "We really have," she glanced at me with an almost sad look on her face before she turned back with her usual smile.

"How are you?" he asked, his face relaxing a little.

"We're okay, papi," Angela said, placing her hand on mine stopping me from saying anything. She knew I was going to start yelling I said anything. I let out a shaky breath and plastered on a smile nodding. One year. One whole year hadn't tried to contact us. So why now?

"I'm glad you two are happy," he said, ruffling both our hair. I flinched at contact and so did Angela. Papi retracted his hand his face falling slightly but soon his smile was back. I noticed his change in expression and I'm pretty sure Angela did, too. But we didn't say anything.


"That was, um, good...I guess?" Angela said, with a weird look on her face cashing me to snicker slightly. The truth was, it was pretty high on my awkward moments' list, and that is saying something. The list is practically endless.
She rolled her eyes but laughed too. I knocked on the door guessing that if I didn't do it no we would have probably stayed outside forever.

Soon, the door was flung open by my mom. She had a large smile plastered to her face but I didn't fail to notice her red puffy eyes and her fake expression. "How was it?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly raspy.

"Mami, are you okay?" Angela asked, slowly as if she was scared she would break her. Mami sniffled, a sad smile now replacing her fake one.

"It's been hard," mami said, wrapping her arms around our shoulders. "With Marcus coming back I don't know what to feel, anymore."

Me and Angela shred a quick glance and we immediately wrapped mami in a hug. She choked out sobs as she hugged us back just as tight.

My eyes stung with tears as well.

I didn't like seeing the people I love cry.

• • •

Beep beep, the feels are here.


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