• Chapter 23 •

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• Tyler •

My stomach was churning with uneasiness as I made my way into school. After what had happened with Iris, I really didn't want things to be awkward. She was my best friend and I was terrified of losing her over this. I knew Iris wouldn't go to the extents of ignoring me but I also knew that there was probably going to be a hell lot of awkward tension in the air.

I told Stacy about it later that day and Stacy seemed almost happy that it happened. She kept on pretending to brush me off when I said I didn't like it. Then Lucas walked in and Stacy blabbed about it to him, because she can't keep her mouth shut.

Lucas kept on pestering me about it and when I continuously tried to tell them that I didn't like her whatsoever Lucas casually asked me whether I was gay, then started cackling all over again. Stacy wasn't making the situation any better when she started yelling at Lucas for "assuming peoples' sexuality", all while I was standing there completely confused as to how the topic had swerved.

Currently, Stacy was walking next to me, talking animatedly about how Mason got her a stupid chain or something.

To be honest I was paying much attention to what she was saying. I was more focused on another topic. Namely; Iris.

"Tyler? Tyler!" Stacy snapped, shoving me forward slightly. I stumbled forward, before glaring in her general direction. I wanted to whack her with my cane.

"What?" I asked, exasperated.

"I said, 'bye', you dumbass," Stacy said, flicking me on my forehead. I hissed in pain before rubbing my forehead. "We're here."

I rolled my eye pretending that I already knew that, and wasn't caught up in my own head as I walked away from her. My cane clicked harder on the ground today and my grip on it was awfully tight.

I walked into school flinching slightly at all the chatter surrounding me. I felt the sound of Iris' signature pointed heels approaching me. My heart pounded in my chest. "We need to talk," Iris breathed her hand wrapping around my wrist as she pulled me deeper inside the school.

I was starting to panic. My mind was running with all the possible outcomes. Would she not want to talk to me anymore?

The chatter slowly died down as we made it to the other end of the hallway which was usually pretty empty since there weren't many lockers at the end. Plus, everybody chose to gather up at the front.

"Listen, about the kiss," she started, at this point, I could practically hear my heart pounding in my ears. "It was a mistake,"

I internally sighed in relief as felt my whole body relax slightly. "I know,"

"Okay, thank god," she muttered with a nervous chuckle. "I didn't want things to get awkward because of that ya know? It was a-um-what do you say-"

"A heat of the moment type of thing?" I provided with a small smile.

"A heat of the moment type of thing," she agreed, and I could tell she was smiling as well. I was so fucking happy that everything was alright. I don't know what I would have down if everything ended up going to shit.

"I was freaking out today morning," I said, rubbing the back fo my neck sheepishly.

"Yeah, me too," she confessed, letting out another one of her nervous chuckles. "I didn't wanna lose you over some stupid kiss,"

"Yeah, neither did I," I said, shoving my free hand into the pocket of my hoodie, as I swayed awkwardly back and forth on my toes.

Iris suddenly pulled me into a bone-crushing hug causing me to let out a small gasp in surprise, before wrapping my arms around her waist, with a small laugh. "Thank you for being there for me, Ty." She said, her voice getting slightly muffled by my hoodie.

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