• Chapter 24 •

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• Luca •

Not many people particularly liked me in school. Even though it was the 21st century our school was still filled with a bunch of racist, highly religious idiots. However, I didn't get too much shit until the day I stupidly stepped up to help Tyler. That seemed to terribly piss of Mark, thus giving Jordan an excuse to beat me up even more. It was getting worse each time and at this point, I was contemplating whether or not I should tell mami about it. It seemed that she had fixed Angela's problem with the snap of her fingers so I knew she would be able to help. But the truth was, I was ashamed.

I was ashamed that I couldn't stand up for myself. Inside I knew mami wouldn't care. But I cared. I was embarrassed by the fact that I was completely and totally pathetic. The fact that I was confused about my sexuality wasn't helping at all.

I was terrified. It almost felt like I was holding my breath every time I was with my family and I hated it. I was freaking out and everything felt like it was falling apart.

I didn't want to burden mami.

She was already going through so much, from papi getting married to Angela's situation. I didn't want to add on to her problems.

So here I was, flinching every time someone got too close to me and cowering in fear each time I spotted Jordan or any of his friends.

I really was pathetic.

"Bye Fatima," I called out as she excitedly waved at me, her other hand interlaced with Jason's. Jason asked Fatima out the other day. Fatima ran away at first which was slightly comical but then she came around and eventually said yes.

Fatima never dated people, mainly because of her family, but she wanted to try.

She wasn't telling her family about it yet, which was probably the best thing to do. Things were going pretty smoothly for the two of them and I have to admit they make a cute couple.

Jason was taking Fatima out today so we parted ways as we made our way out of school.

With a small smile on my face, I turned away from the pair who were already getting into Jason's car.

I buried my hands into my pockets and started walking towards Angela's block.

But of course, things never went as planned for pathetic little Luca Romona.

Suddenly, I was being pulled into the alley in between the two blocks.

My heart was beating rapidly inside my chest as I dug my teeth into my lips causing the slightly fast of metal to fill my mouth. Jordan and his friends stood towering above me.

But they didn't kick me or punch me. Instead, I saw one of the boys picking up a handful of sand from the ground with the most disgusting look on his face.

Before I knew what was happening I couldn't breathe.

I was gasping for air as I tried to blindly grab my bag.

However, Jordan got to it first.

He wouldn't.

They wouldn't be so cruel?

I felt my eyes tear from all the struggling as I tried to grab it from him. He simply shot me a sickly sweet smile before he took my inhaler from my bag and tossed it to the side. Just far enough so that I couldn't reach.

"This is for my brother," he snarled, as he turned his back to leave, the rest of his minions following close behind him. "Tell your sister to watch out," He called out before they had exited the alley.

My mind was getting fuzzy, I couldn't process what he was saying, I just needed my inhaler.

I tried to make my way to the inhaler but I couldn't. My body was growing weak.

I felt my head spinning.

A shrill scream echoed inside my ears.

All of sudden I felt a hand on the side of my face as they frantically gave me my inhaler.

I immediately felt better after I had taken a few puffs and some long breaths. I closed my eyes, breathing heavily as I laid my head against the concrete wall.

"Are you okay?" The person asked. I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar face. She had short blonde hair, and extremely pale skin, with freckles sitting every inch of her face. Her deep brown eyes were slightly covered by her curly hair, and her lips were coated with a layer of lip balm.

"Yeah," I choked out.

"Who the fuck did that to you?" She asked, her words had a slight lisp to them.

"I just dropped my inhaler and I had asthma-"

"I may look dumb, but I am not a fucking idiot," she said, rolling her eyes slightly though her face still looked slightly panic-stricken.

"It's no one, I'm okay now," I mumbled, getting up with a slight groan. "Thank you,"

"I wasn't going to let you die, I'm not a monster," she said, before she took off, her long hair slightly bouncing with each step.

I garbed my bag and made my way out of the alley as well. But I felt myself questioning how Jordan even knew I had asthma or where I kept my freaking inhaler.

That's when realization dawned upon me. The only people who knew about my asthma was Jess and Tyler but no one but Tyler knew where my inhaler was.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. After all, he was friends with Iris.

A part of me was telling me that they hurt him too but my mind was so twisted that I wanted to believe that he did it. I wanted to believe that he was an asshole.

I can't like someone who would do that to me.

He told them, I know he did.

No one else knew.

It was him.

I fucking hate him.

Still, out of breath, I walked towards the car park lot. I felt terrible and just weak.

I wanted to go home as soon as possible.

But when I got to the car, Angela wasn't alone. Tyler was standing next to her.

As soon as Tyler spotted me or probably heard my heavy breathing a look of concern spread across his features. "Luca, is that you-"

"Stay the fuck away from me," I snapped, taking a step back when he started walking towards me. Angela looked at me with a look of confusion on her face.

"Luca, what's wrong with you?" Angela asked, coming in between me and Tyler.

"Him, that's what!" I yelled, shoving past her. "He's a lying backstabbing asshole!" I didn't care if I was being petty. He deserved it.

"Luca, what in the world are you going on about?" Angela asked. I could see Tyler behind her, a look of hurt and confusion filling his face.

"Just stay away from me!" I screamed, my voice shaking."Both of you,"

I turned sharply on my heel before walking out of the parking lot. I guess the reason why I was upset was that I thought Tyler understood me. I thought he actually cared, but now, I knew he didn't. Nobody really did.

I just wanted to be alone.

• • •



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