• Chapter 17 •

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• Tyler •

I hated Mondays. Not because of the going to school part—well obviously that too—but it was the part where I got home, tired as fuck, and still had to finish my assignments.

Due to the whole "blind" part, it took me a little too much time to write. Even if I did everybody says that my handwriting is barely legible.

Then again, many blind people can write beautifully, though, I'm not one of them.

So, I usually type out my assignments and I get most of my work in Braille. The thing is, my parents couldn't afford to send me to a school which was specifically designed for people like me. So we found my current school which had an out-of-use program to join. Either way, school fucking sucks.

My fingers quickly clicked against the keyboard, though, they were starting to ache. I had been trying to finish this stupid homework for the past hour and I had barely made any progress.

I groaned, falling back on to my chair, as I ran my hand down my face, feeling exhausted. I needed to take a break. I felt around my table until I finally found my phone.

At first, I wanted to call Iris but I quickly remembered she was meeting up for a family gathering today.

Annoyed, I continued scrolling aimlessly through my phone until finally Luca's name was read out in the annoying automated voice.

My lips tugged into a small smile as I hovered my thumb over his name, contemplating whether or not I should call him. Maybe he was doing something important and I could be disturbing him.
You know what, fuck it. I want to talk to him.

I jabbed my finger on my phone and a small ringing filled my room. I pressed my phone against my ear, biting my lip feeling, slightly nervous. Maybe this was a bad idea.

After a few seconds, just when I had lost hope, he picked up the call. "Hi, Tyler," He said, sounding slightly breathless. "Sorry, my phone was in the other room so I ran to get it and I'm already panting," I snorted. "Shut up, I know I'm not the fittest person,"

"Don't worry, I'm not either," I said, smiling as I shook my head slightly. What a goofball.

"Well, at least you look fit," he said, sounding slightly annoyed. "I look like an 8-year-old, who just so happens to be 16,"

I laughed throwing my head back slightly. "I bet you look fine," I retorted still laughing slightly.

"Good thing you can't see me or you probably would have wanted to become blind after that," he said, then he stopped himself abruptly. "Oh shit, I'm sorry if that was offensive,"

"Not really," I said, brushing it off. I liked when people I was pretty close to made jokes about it. Not in a mean way, but in a way that I knew meant no harm. It made me feel good that they were comfortable around me. "It's cool, you can say shit like that,"

He let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, anyways," he said, sounding quite embarrassed.

"It's alright, seriously," I pressed, running a hand through my hair. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, just watching TV with my sister," he said, casually.

"Sounds like fun, what were you watching?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. I liked talking to Luca.

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