Chapter 30: Happy Birthday, Kusuo!

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Author's Note:  I AM SO SORRY! I said that I'd update after 25 hours but I didn't! Two things happened, one, I deleted several drafts that I made, and two, I make pizza as a hobby and then mom suggested selling it to neighbours during quarantine, so, I've been doing that and I'm freaking tired.  

Anyway, I hope this chapter is nice and not boring.  I made sure to make it long to make up for my absence. It's 4000 words wth. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts.  ALSO WHAT! 9.6K READS!  And I've got over a hundred votes the past few days.  ADSHFKSDJHF.  You guys are truly the best.  Love to know what you think. 

In the household of the Saiki's, two powerful teenagers were hanging out in the living room.  They weren't really talking about anything because both were pre-occupied with their own things.  Emiko remembered something and broke the silence.

"Hey, Kusuo.  It's almost your birthday."  She said not looking at him as she was playing a video game while sitting on the floor. 

'Mhm.' Saiki said as he was reading a book while lying on the couch.  'What about it?' 

"What do you wanna do?" She said as she reached the saved point and finally paused it to look at her friend. 

Kusuo didn't lift his head and gave Emiko a sideward glance. 'Nothing.' 



"You want to celebrate your birthday and do nothing?" 

'So you did hear me correctly.' He smirked and look back at his book.  

Emiko just looked at him.  "Why?" 

'I do too many things everyday that doing nothing has become glorified.' 

She nodded her head. "Ah, okay." She unpaused the game and played again. 

Kusuo smiled and turned back to his book.  This is why he kept her around.  Never questioned his preferences, understood him and, like right now, could entertain herself without having to drag him into it.  It was a very peaceful day.  The first in many months.  

In Emiko's head, however, though she understood what he wanted, she couldn't let his birthday become not so special.   So what could she do along the lines of nothing  to make it special? When people said 'nothing', it usually meant that they didn't want anything tiring or activity filled.  If anyone deserved something great though, it would be Kusuo.  Though he never acts like he wants to do it, he has helped so many people.  He's changed lives as an anonymous force of good fortune and never asked for anything in return and as his friend who knew of his actions, she should at least do something for him that he would love. 

'Sweets.'  She thought to herself as she destroyed a boss. 

'What?' Kusuo perked up. 

"Huh? Sweet?" She said as remembered Kusuo could read her mind when she doesn't block it.

'What's sweet?' 

"Ah!  I defeated the boss. So I said 'Sweeet." She said hoping he wouldn't catch on.

'Oh. Nice one.' 


He looked up from his book.  'But you reminded me that I want sweets now, though.' 

"Of course you do.  You really like them."

'That's an understatement.  I live for them.' 

"Any kind?" 

'Except when they have walnuts.' 

"I see." She said taking note. "Out of curiosity, how much coffee jelly can you eat in day?" 

Who is Hiro Emiko?  Saiki Kusuo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now