Chapter 28: The Trouble With Okinawa

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Author's Note: I was struggling to write this chapter for some reason so I apologise if it's kind of messy.  I hope it's not though.  I look forward to writing the next chapters  because you guys have motivated me.  Like seriously, I have yet to reply to, but your comments and votes for the chapter give me life.  Thank you so much for the new readers and people who voted for each and every chapter! Ya'll know who you are.  If you have suggestions or something, just pm me, all right? Keep safe!

It seems that Emiko was on point.  Kusuo heard Kokomi and Chiyo practicing a speech in the restroom so they'd have an excuse to join them in their room.   Well, he sucks at Uno so he'll just head to shore and just sleep on one of the beach chairs. 

Disappointed in seeing no Saiki in the room, Kokomi decided to look for him just before Emiko finished her meeting.  

Tired, and wanting to have a good nights rest, Emiko entered their room and saw that there was a bunch of guys in their room waiting for her and Teruhashi.   


"You're here! Let's play truth or dare." 

She didn't want to play truth or dare.   "I'm a little tired, if you guys don't mind.  I also happen to a class rep and I need to know where Chiyo and Kokomi are."

"Oh, they left.  They went out but they haven't returned." Mera filled her in.

"Sorry, guys. Finding my friends is my priority.  I need to know where they are as it's lights out soon." Emiko said apologetically as she left the room.  "They must be in Kusuo's room.  I hope they're not bothering him too much." 

She knocked on the door of the boys only to be greeted by the unpleasant face of Takahashi and friends who seemed all too happy to see her.  She wasn't going to pretend to like them to keep up with appearances. 

"Oh, Takahashi.  How was the peeping? I heard that it didn't go so well." She said with a smile.

Kaido was snickering behind him and Nendou was lost in what she meant.  Takahashi's face turned red in embarrassment and tried to stutter out, well, anything. 

"Mad respect for Nendou, huh?" She asked.  "He has all that and he doesn't peep.  Some people think he's the worst in the class but they're wrong.  He's better than a lot of people and I know for a fact that he's better than you three.  Why don't you learn how to respect your classmates?"

The pervy crew of three were so ashamed that they opted not to say anything.   Chiyo admired her way with words as Kaido admired her confidence.  Nendou was still lost. 

She turned to Chiyo.  "It's lights out soon.  Where is Kokomi and where is Kusuo?" 

"Kokomi went to look for Saiki because he wasn't here when we entered."  Chiyo explained. 

"Do you know where he is?" She asked Kaido who shook his head.  

Emiko left the room and quickly searched for the two.  She had a bad feeling.  She went outside the hotel.  Should she fly? It might be easier that way.  She kicked herself off the ground to peer above the hotel when, well, the hotel disappeared.  She was so scared that she was panicking wondering what might have happened.  Would Kusuo do something like that?  Or was it someone else entirely?  What happened to all her friends? Were they safe? Was Kusuo safe?  Why was this class trip full of disasters?  She probably wasn't going to get answers in the air when she spotted two heads of pink and purple by the beach and landed there.

As she approached, she heard Reita yelling at Kusuo about bringing back the hotel and how high school girls are national treasures. 

"What's going on?" She called as walked to them.

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