Chapter 13: Secret Santas

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It's been weeks since Emiko got sick.  She recovered after two days and when she returned to school, she felt like she's been gone for years.  Saiki, decided not to confront Emiko understanding that he  would feel uncomfortable and denial if anyone asked if he had powers.  Still, that didn't mean he wasn't curious though.  He was eager for any slip-ups Emiko might have but she kept it hidden perfectly.  

Saiki has finally gotten used to seeing people and their physical appearances.  He still has no idea what happened, but he greatly suspects that Emiko had something to do with it. Speaking of the girl, she was making rounds around the classroom with a draw pile. 

"Go, grab a slip of paper! You'll be the Secret Santa of the one you picked!"  She said excitedly. 

Finally, everyone had a slip of slip paper. "All right! You can open your slips of paper! Be sure not to show anyone! It's supposed to be a surprise." 

'I hope I get Saiki. I hope I get Saiki! I will get Saiki because the gods love me!' Prayed Teruhashi.  Saiki made sure she didn't get him.  

Saiki sighed as he opened his.  This activity was fun for those who couldn't read minds.  Scribbled in Emiko's handwriting was the name "Hairo." 

He was pretty sure he could just get Hairo a box and Hairo's imagination will turn it into an object of motivation.  He thought of the many different scenarios. 

In Saiki's imagination: 

"Wow, Saiki! You got me a box?  How thoughtful of you! You made me realise how much things I need to declutter from my house! Kyahhh!"  Then Hairo would sprint to his house.

Or perhaps: 

"Wow, Saiki! A pencil! A pencil will help me focus on my studies, write my ideas and draw things that come to mind! Thank you for motivating my brain skills with this pencil!"


"Wow, Saiki! You got me a me a blanket?  So thoughtful!  As I workout a lot, so I have no body fat! This blanket will help me keep warm and motivates me to work out more! Yeahhh!" 


"Wow, Saiki! A pet worm?  Worms are very essential to the earth and this gift is a reminder that I should do my part in taking care of the earth!  I will begin by getting the cleaning up litter, make this worm work in our garden, reduce my use of plastic, and...." 

Saiki didn't bother to finish that last thought.  Fact is, he got Hairo, he knows who everyone else got, who got him and now he needs to find Hairo a gift. 

He looked over at Emiko.  He'd been doing that a lot.  Not because he has a crush but because, well, she's very pleasing to look at.  He saw her brows turn into a frown as she look into what's written on her paper. 

'Teruhashi.' She thinks to herself. 'What do I get her?' She looks out the window in deep thought.  'She looks like someone who has everything.  What can I possibly get her that would be something she likes?' 

After school, people were talking excitedly about whether they knew what to get for their classmate or (much like Emiko) were struggling on what to get. 

After school, Emiko and Saiki walked back home together. 

'You're unusually quiet today.' Saiki remarked. 

"Oh I'm sorry." Emiko replied sarcastically. "I didn't know that you wanted me to be noisy." 

'You know I don't.'  Saiki smirked at her cheekiness. 'What's on your mind?' He asked even if he did know what was troubling her. 

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