Chapter 40: First Time

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A/N: Hey guys! So before you start this chapter, I just wanted you to know that it consist of a very intimate scene. If you are not comfortable reading about that, then you don't have to. I wouldn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable in any way, so I will give you a warning when you get there. You will see these asterisks (**) at the beginning of that scene and at the ending so you can skip it if you want.

Anyway guys. Enjoy!


First Time

Clink clink clink!

I woke up with a start and groaned. What could be making that noise? I turned over and looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 9pm. I turned back around to go back to sleep, when I heard it again.

Clink clink!

I jumped up and grabbed the sheet around me. Who could that be? The fact that I was alone in the house didn't help either. I noticed that the noise was coming from my window, so I cautiously went over to it. I moved the curtains slightly and I noticed that a figure was standing outside my window. After a closer look, I saw who it was and he was throwing pebbles at my window. Was he crazy? I opened my curtains wider and pulled up the window.

I poked my head out. "What are you doing here?" I demanded.

Josh looked up when he noticed me at the window. "I came to talk to you. You weren't answering my calls or texts and you didn't come to school today."

"Josh, I don't want to talk to you. Go home and leave me alone. It's nine at night!" I shouted at him.

"No, I'm not leaving until we talk." He responded.

"When I said that I didn't want to see you, I meant it. What don't you understand in that?" I retorted through clenched teeth. At this point, I was barely controlling my anger.

"I understand, but I'm not going anywhere until you hear me out. Let me in. Please Lexie." He pleaded.

I knew he was not joking, I knew him too well. If he said he won't leave until I listen to him, he won't leave. He would not stop bothering me until I let him in. He could be annoying if he wanted to be. Sighing, I closed my window and went downstairs. I opened the front door and he entered. Not saying anything to him, I walked back upstairs to my room. I saw him following me through the corner of my eyes but neither of us said anything. Once we were in my room, I turned around to face him.

"You have one minute." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Lexie, I didn't cheat on you." He said getting to the point.

"Do I look stupid, Josh? So I imagined you sticking your tongue down Erica's throat?"

"That's not what happened. She kissed me." He replied.

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