Chapter 15: Lost Child

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(Picture of Kristin)

Lost child

A day had passed since my encounter with Troy and now today was Saturday. I was still in bed because I didn't want to get up. I turned around on my other side and groaned. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8am. Yesterday at school was difficult because I slept late the day before. That night, I cried myself to sleep. I almost reached school late and I had to put on a lot of concealer to cover my bruised jaw.

I had to hide it from my family. However, I did tell my friends and they both had concerned expressions after. They both did not know what I should do, because I told them I didn't want to tell anybody and that did not help me one bit.

I sighed, I need to stop thinking about this. I got up off my bed and decided to go to the park to clear my head. I had a quick shower and got dressed. I left my room and head next door to my little brother's room. He was on the floor stacking toys in a bag.

"Hey Jay Jay, want to come to the park with me?" I asked him. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

"Hi Lexie! I can't. Mommy says I can go over to Brian's house next door to play." He said smiling brightly.

"That's great! You and Brian haven't played for a while." I said smiling back at him. "Bye, have fun."

"Bye Lexie." I exited his room and headed downstairs for breakfast. My parents had already left for work, but Andrew was in the living room with Kristin making out.

"Ahhhh! My eyes! Take it to the room guys." I said fake gagging. They broke contact and Kristin turned to me and blush brightly.

"Hey Lexie. How are you doing?" She asked. Her hazel eyes twinkling.

"I'm great. I can see that you are too." I winked, laughing at her flushed face. She brushed her dark hair over her shoulder and smiled back. I see that she added blue highlights in her hair and it fits her skin complexion well. My brother just chuckled and shook his head at my comment. I winked at him and smiled.

Ahh! Bless them.

They were so cute together. I went into the kitchen to eat some Fruit Loops for breakfast. When I was finished, I washed up and headed back upstairs to brush my teeth. I put my toothbrush away, and grabbed my phone from the charger and my shoulder bag.

I went downstairs, bid Andrew and Kristin good bye and left the house. I walked the ten minutes to the park and sat down on a bench when I got there. There were lots of people here today; there were couples laughing or sharing ice cream, families with their children, people walking their dog or children playing with each other.

I was sitting on the bench reading a book for two hours when I realized that I was getting hungry. I got up, put my book in my bag and left the park to go to the nearest cafe in town. When I got there, I went inside and sat in a booth near the window. A waitress came and took my order and left. A minute later she came back with my order of a big slice of carrot cake and hot chocolate.

When I was done eating, I began to look outside. Just then, I noticed a small girl standing by the sidewalk holding a teddy bear. I looked at her closely because she seemed familiar. I looked around for any sign of an adult and did not see any so I got curious. I paid for my lunch and left the cafe.

When I got closer to the girl, I realized that she was crying. I stopped in front of her and was shocked. Standing in front of me was Josh's little sister, Jillian. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Jillian?" I called softly.

She turned to look at me and her blue eyes were streaming with tears. "Who are you with, Jillian? Are you alone?" I asked softly.

"I just...I just wanted to...go to the park...where Daddy used to take me." She said sniffling. "I didn't mean to g-get lost." I stoop to her level and watched this little girl cried her eyes out. My heart instantly went out to her.

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