Chapter 35: Party Time!

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Party Time!

When I opened the door, Josh was standing on the porch, while the other boys were waiting for us in the cars. When Josh saw us, his eyes landed on me as we walked out. Josh then took my hands and bring me closer for a quick kiss.

"You look lovely as always." He said after he pulled back.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him. He entwined our hands and we walked to his car. Ryder was in the back and I got into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on.

"Hi Ryder." I greeted as I looked behind me and smiled at him.

"Hey Lexie." He answered in his usual cheerful voice. Stacy and Sam will be driving in Ashton's car with Brandon. Josh got in the driver's seat and pulled out of the driveway, Ashton following behind.

We soon reached at Kyle's house and we all got out of the car. The music could be heard from the driveway and a lot of cars were park at the front of the house or on the road side. We went up to the front door which was open and I saw Kyle walking over to us. He did the man hug with the boys and grinned.

"I'm glad you guys could make it!" He shouted over the loud music.

"Thanks for inviting us, dude." Ashton replied just as loud.

"No problem, man. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves." He said to us as he walked passed us to greet the person that just came through the door. The living room that was set up as a dancefloor, was pack with people dancing. We walked over to the bar where it was less crowded.

"You girls want something to drink?" Josh asked us.

"I want a Apple Martini." Stacy replied and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Seriously Stace?" I asked.

"Yeah girl. I plan on having a great time." She answered.

"I think I will take one as well." Sam put in. "Come on Lexie, loosen up a little."

"Okay, fine. But only one." I said giving in.

"Okay then. Three martinis coming up." Josh said as he turned to the boy around the counter. Josh handed us each a martini and got a beer for himself and the guys. Just then, Brandon walked over to Samantha and touch her on the shoulder.

"Hey Sam. Do you want to dance with me?" He asked.

"Um...sure." Sam replied and Brandon took her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor. I gave Sam a wink before they disappeared into the crowd.

"Come on girl. Let's dance!" Stacy said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dancefloor. I laughed at her behaviour and start dancing along with her. When the song that we were dancing to ended, Stacy turned to me grinning.

"I'm going to get another drink!" She shouted over the music. I nodded at her and turned around to look for Josh, but I didn't see him anywhere. Sam and Brandon were still dancing together and it looked like she was really having fun with him. I walked over to the bar area where Stacy was to get a bottle of water. I was scanning the room, when I felt warm arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Hey Cupcake." Josh whispered into my ear. His warm breath tickled my ear and I shivered. I spun around in his arms and smiled at him.

"Hey babe." I said, looping my arms around his neck.

"Dance with me." He said and he took me to the dancefloor once again. Stepping up behind me, Josh placed his hands on my hips and pull my back against his chest, bringing us closer. I began to sway my hips against him as I dance to the music. We danced for a long time and then we head back to the bar where Ryder was. Josh took another beer and I got the water that I wanted.

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