Chapter 38: Falling Apart (Part 1)

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Falling Apart (Part 1)

"Listen up. I don't care who you are or what you are trying to do, but why don't you try it with someone who is available." Josh growled at him and placed the crumbled up paper in the boy's shirt pocket. "Now, please continue your job and don't flirt with my girlfriend."

The boy looked at him wide eyed, his face turning bright red before he nodded his head and replied clearly flustered. "O-okay. I'm really sorry." He turned and walked away quickly, going around the counter and heading towards the door that said employees only. It was like he couldn't get away from our booth fast enough. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. It was pretty amusing how embarrassed he was.

"Oh my God! Did you see his face?" I managed to get out through my fit of giggles.

"Yeah. Serves him right." Josh said and I laughed even harder. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe. When I finally calm down, I saw that Josh was still in a grumpy mood.

"You're still thinking about him?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"It's like he his an annoying pest." He grumbled. He was so cute right now, I couldn't help myself. I leaned over the table and kissed him. He was taken by surprise, but he soon relaxed and kissed me back.

"What was that for?" He asked as we pulled away.

"I just wanted you to forget about that boy. He is not important." I said, my eyes never leaving his.

"That's a good way to make me forget." He said grinning and then he sighed. "But you are right, I'm overreacting. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. To be honest, I'm in a much better mood. Thank you for bringing me here." I said smiling at him.

"Anything for you, Cupcake." He said as he took a bite out of his muffin. I began to eat my cupcakes too and I couldn't help looking at Josh. He has been great to me so far and he always makes me feel better. I leaned over the booth again and brought my lips against his. Again, he was taken by surprise and then he started kissing me back gently. I pulled away and sat back into my seat.

"What was that for now?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Nothing." I said as I drank my coffee. "Can't a girl kiss her own boyfriend?"

He chuckled at my response then shook his head. He picked up his muffin again and continued to eat.


"I can't believe it's the final day of exams already." I said to my friends as we head to class. Today we were doing chemistry in the morning and history in the afternoon.

"Yeah, and I'm so glad. All these exams are giving me an headache." Stacy replied and I nodded in agreement.

We walked through the decorated hallways and head to the chemistry lab. Every year at Christmas time, the school's decorating committee would decorate the school in vibrant Christmas colours to make the school look more like Christmas. I personally didn't mind the decorations because I love Christmas. As we walked through the hall, we saw posters on each wall advertising the school's annual Christmas dance that was keeping on the 19th of December. That was one week away and also the final day of school for Christmas break.

"Are you guys going to the Christmas dance?" Sam asked.

"Yes." I nodded my head.

"Even though I don't have a date, I'm going." Stacy proclaimed.

"I do hope Brandon asked me." Sam said.

"I'm sure he will." Stacy looped her arm through Sam's as we continued down the corridor. We finally entered the classroom and settled down for the test.

Okay, let's put what I have studied to use.


I was walking through the crowded hallway at the end of the day, when I heard my name. I was not sure if I heard correctly because the students were buzzing with excitement either about the dance, the fact that exams were over or was just generally due to the fact that it was a Friday and the weekend was here again. I heard my name again and I knew for a fact this time that I didn't imagine it. I turned around and looked over my shoulder to see who it was and I saw Brandon waving at me to stop, while he weaved through the crowd of students. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him.

As soon as he reached me, I asked. "What's up, Brandon?"

"Hey, I'm so glad I caught you. I want to talk to you." He said.

"About what?" I questioned curiously.

"Do you think your friend will go to the dance with me?" He scratched to back of his neck and I raised my eyebrows at him. Of all the things I imagined him talking to me about. This was not on the list.

"Why don't you ask her?" I asked.

"I'm afraid to ask because of how I've been treating her." He said and I frowned.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" I placed my hand on my hip and gave him a stern look. Not being able to look me in the eyes any longer, he dropped his gaze.

"It's complicated." He sighed. I was waiting for him to explain further, but he didn't. I started to wonder if it was personal. I mean everyone had a story. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Go for it." I advised. He looked at me confused.


"Ask her to the dance. I'm sure she will accept and when you're ready to talk to her, she will understand."

Brandon smiled back at me. "Thanks, Lexie."

"No problem. I always happy to help out my friends." He nodded at me before waving goodbye and walking away. I finally reached the hallway where my locker was located and I noticed that students were staring at me and whispering.

I frowned and walked faster. I really hate attention. Why were they staring at me by the way? Was there something on my face? My clothes? I automatically run my hand through my hair, but realised that it was okay. I was almost at my locker, when I saw two people standing beside it and I knew instantly why everyone was staring at me.

Standing beside my locker were Josh and Erica.

And they were kissing?

A/N: Hey munchkins! I hope you like this chapter. Please comment and let me know what you think. I really appreciate feedback.

Vote, comment and share. I love you all!

Stay extraordinarily awesome!


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