Chapter 25 : Intense bromance moment right here

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Chapter 25 : Intense bromance moment right here

Hayden and I walked into the school, ten minutes before the lunch break ended. We walked in, hand in hand, laughing about all that had happened on our date. When in the empty corridor, Hayden pushed me lightly against the locker.

"All alone," he whispered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my hands in his hair. He pushed his body close to mine, smiling at me and not making a move to do anything else. A throat clearing from beside us had Hayden introducing a gap between us reluctantly and I missed his warmth immediately.

I looked to the side to see Reuben and I knew the exact moment Hayden saw him since his body stiffened, his hand wrapping around my waist and pulling me into his body. Hayden was glaring at Reuben, Reuben was glaring at Hayden, it was like it was the only thing they could do when in a 100 metre radius.

"Reuben," I greeted him, trying to diffuse some of the tension that was fizzing in the air. Reuben's eyes looked to me.

"Where were you? I was looking for you all lunchtime," Reuben scowled.

"I was on a date with Hayden," I told him, wrapping my arm around Hayden's waist, "why did you need me?"

"Of course you were," he growled, shocked at his harsh tone I shrunk into Hayden. Hayden and Reuben had returned to glaring at each other.

"Back off, mate," Hayden spoke, his jaw twitching. Reuben took a threatening step towards Hayden, moving right into his face.

"Make me," he smirked. Anger and fury flashed in Hayden's eyes but before he could throw a punch at Reuben I stepped between the two of them, placing a hand on each of their chests, pushing them apart.

"What is your problem? Both of you! You can't get on to save your life, why?" I asked, exasperated with their behaviour.

"What? You mean you haven't told her, mate, you don't want her to see your true side?" Reuben taunted Hayden.

"Hayden?" I questioned, looking to him for answers.

"You can't stop sticking your nose in can you?" Hayden questioned, looking at Reuben.

"She deserves to know," Reuben shouted, "she deserves to know that you don't care about girls or peoples feelings."

The only feeling I could feel at the moment was confusion. I didn't understand why Hayden and Reuben couldn't get on, what was Reuben trying to achieve right now?

"Tell me what?" I questioned in despair, throwing my hands up in the air.

"There was a girl called Violet," Reuben started, I felt Hayden's body stiffen up beside mine.

"Reuben," Hayden warned, but was silenced by Reuben.

"We were 'the three', Hayden, Toby and I. We had been best friends since kindergarten, nothing could ever break us apart, we caused trouble, threw parties, chased girls together, it was the way we were.

Then along came Violet - beautiful, smart, funny, we adopted her into our group and she kept us in line. But there was always something more between Vi and I, a deeper connection if you'd like. I really liked her, Hayden knew but he didn't take that into account because he slept with her. We knew she was a party animal, she wanted to have fun, picked up a new boy every now and then. He broke my trust by sleeping with her, I was going to tell her that night, tell her how I felt about her," Reuben spoke, looking me dead in the eye.

"You always manage to place the blame on me, don't you? We'd been drinking, we didn't know what was happening," Hayden said desperately, his voice just above a whisper. Reuben didn't look phased, in fact he just smirked triumphantly.

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