Chapter 22 : It felt so right

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Chapter 22 : It felt so right

I spent the whole of Sunday in bed. I spent lots of time with Ben and Jerry, which was fun and spent the rest of my time watching sad romance movies just to see what I was missing out on.

I need to get a life.

I had completely abandoned the idea of going on my phone since it was filled full of messages and missed calls from mostly Hayden, and a few from the other boys, which, was probably Hayden as well. I didn't want to have to face him until I had to, tomorrow basically. The sooner I saw him the more likely I would be to break and take back everything that I said. I wouldn't be able to stay away from him.

And the worst thing was I wasn't moping around in bed because of the break up with Cameron, it was because of what I had said to Hayden.

I loved him.

I was oblivious before, I didn't want to be that girl who led boys along just to drop them. I thought I loved Cameron and I thought he loved me. I was a long way off the truth with that. I didn't want to break Cameron's heart but it seemed my consideration for his heart was way out of proportion with his consideration for mine.

When Monday came around I felt like I always do on a Monday.

How everyone feels on a Monday.

I walked into school cautiously, as if the ground could open up and swallow me anytime soon. I speed walked through the corridors, not wanting to see anyone. I didn't have any classes with Hayden till after lunch so as long as I stayed well hidden from him throughout lunch I would manage to survive.

Sophie caught up with me and without having to ask, knew something was wrong. She walked along my side until we reached our first class of the day. We took our seats in the empty classroom and she turned to me, an inquisitive look on her face.

"What's up?" she asked.

"The sky."

"Don't be a smart ass, Brooke, tell me," she said, punching my shoulder.

"Cameron," I sighed, "he was cheating on me," I looked to Sophie, " with Freya."

The hurt now wasn't in what they did, I was over that, it's what they said that hurt.

"Da bitch," Sophie said loudly, causing a few strange looks from the other people that had walked in the room since we had. I giggled, punching her shoulder softly.

"Shhhh," I laughed.

Sophie wiggled her eyebrows in return, "so you and Hayden now huh?"

I shook my head, looking down at the table, "no, I told him to stay away from me."

"Why? Oh you are such a mother ducking idiot, Brooke Robyn Woods," she yelled, whacking me over the top of the head.


"I love him," I whispered, looking at her with tears in my eyes. It suddenly felt like our roles had been reversed, a few months ago Sophie had been in my position and I was the one consoling her.

"You don't see it do you, you've been looked at wrong you're whole life you can't see when you're being looked at right," she told me quickly, as the teacher walked into the class.

"What?" I asked confused but she was already facing the front of the class for the start of the lesson. I frowned down at my desk, pondering over what she had said.

What did it mean?


At lunchtime I was still thinking about what Sophie had said. Since I was trying to avoid Hayden for as long as possible, I was wandering the corridors.

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