Chapter 17 : A tighter bond than Harry Potter and Voldemort

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Chapter 17 : A tighter bond than Harry Potter and Voldemort




That's beep annoying.

I cracked my left eye open first and closed it immediately after being blinded. I tried again a few minutes later, opening my eyes and looking around the horribly white room.

Hospital room.

I clawed at the tubes going down my throat, coughing at the feeling of my sandpaper throat. A hand grabbed mine pulling it away from the tube. I looked over to see my mum, she was smiling a sympathetic smile at me.

"They'll take it out soon," she promised me. My dad nodded from his seat next to her.

As if on cue the door to the room opened and a doctor walked in, she smiled at me warmly. As she started writing something on a clipboard a few nurses removed the tubes in my throat and hands before helping me sit up comfortably on the small, single bed.

The doctor looked at me before speaking.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm just going to ask you a few questions to begin with, okay?" I nodded in confirmation, allowing her to continue, " can you tell me your name?"

I nodded in answer, confused by the simplicity of the question, "Brooke Robyn Wood."

She nodded, "And your birthday, Brooke?"

"February 16th," I replied.

She nodded again before asking me another question, "How old are you?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

"Er ... I was at a party and there was a fight, I hit my head," I memorised, not a detailed account but the doctor seemed pleased, smiling and nodding her head.

"You hit your head quite hard and you have mild concussion but no signs of memory loss, you should be fine but we'll keep you in overnight just to keep an eye on you, any questions?"

I shook my head in reply and she smiled for the millionth time before turning and leaving.

As the doctor left another person entered and all the air in my body left me as I saw Hayden standing in the doorway. His hair was messy and looked as if he had been running his hands through it lots and as his hand came up to run through his hair again I realised he probably had. Apart from the bloodied and bruised knuckles here was no indication that he'd been in in a fight. His teeth released his bottom lip which he had been gnawing at, his lips pulling into a genuinely concerned smile. I smiled back.

My parents stood up at that moment and I turned from the ogle worthy boy in the doorway to them, feeling bad for forgetting they were in the room to begin with.

My dad put his hand on my arm, "we're just popping to the hospital canteen, we'll be back later."

I nodded in reply, grateful to see that they were leaving me alone with Hayden so we could talk.

As they left, Hayden took large strides from the door and sat down in the previously occupied chair, he put his hand on the bed, as if he was going to take my hand in his, before he seemed to change his mind resting it on his knee instead. I put on a brave face, reaching for his hand and clasping it in mine. He welcomed it, lacing his fingers with mine and stroking the back of my knuckles with his thumb.

The simple action caused a zoo to stampede around my stomach.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"For what," I asked.

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