Chapter 14 : Giving birth on the beach

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Chapter 14 : Giving birth on the beach

I jolted awake. Sweat covered my body. Tears streamed down my face, I hadn't had that dream in years and the fact that it was making a reappearance in my mind had me worried. I was recovering from the trauma of when it happened, and now it was back to haunt me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked around my room. There was no sign of Hayden and my heart dropped. For some reason I had wanted him here when I woke up.

I heard the toilet flush in my en-suite bathroom and my heart picked up speed.

He was still here.

The door opened and Hayden stepped into my bedroom, his hair was effortlessly messy and there was a pair of black low slung jeans around his waist. His chest was bare and I had to force my eyes upwards to stop myself from staring.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Hayden said cheerily, he looked up to see my tear stained face, "what's wrong?"

"Good morning to you too," I told him, smiling falsely, trying to pretend he never asked that question.

Hayden sighed, concern colouring his features.

"Don't Brooke, I know something is wrong."

"What do you know?" I asked, surprised at how cold my tone was. Only yesterday Hayden was ignoring me, not sparing me a second glance. Now he was acting like he'd known me for years, thinking he knew me.

"I know that you've been crying, I'm not stupid."

I sniffled and turned my head, burying it in my bed sheets. Hayden's hand on my shoulder shocked me but I didn't succumb to his touch. I couldn't.

"C'mon Brooke, tell me," he pleaded. The tone of his voice made me come out of my hibernation. It was pleading and desperate.

I looked up at him and saw his eyes soften, drinking in my features. Hayden brought his hand up to my face and using his index finger he wiped away the lingering tears on my cheeks.

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter, it was just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I whispered, "I'm not ready to talk about it."

"Okay, if that's what you want, I'll make you some breakfast," he said standing up.

"Thanks Hayden, I just need to talk to my boyfriend about it." I meant every word. Cameron was the only person that knew about my nightmares and he always comforted me. Always telling me it wasn't my fault when I needed it.

Hayden stiffened at my words and his face had become devoid of any emotion. He was building up a wall. He glanced down at his phone briefly and then looked up at me.

"I uh I actually think I should probably go," he said hesitantly.

I frowned at his abrupt change in mood.

"Thanks for letting me stay in your bed," he winked, stalking out of my room. I shook my head, he'd turned from being sweet to a dick in 30 seconds.

I picked up my phone, clicking on Cameron's contact. It rang a few times and then I heard the comforting voice I loved so much.


"Cameron," I croaked, the tears floating to the front of my eyes as I remembered the dream.

"What's wrong?" he asked, worry evident in his tone. I didn't want him to worry about me but I needed his comfort.

"I had the nightmare again," I said the tears flowing down my face now. All I wanted to do was curl up in Cameron's arms while he wiped away my tears and told me it was going to be alright.

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