Chapter 15 : I think it had ADHD

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This chapter is dedicated to fayebos. Happy belated birthday Faye! Everyone should read her story 'Words Without Meaning'.

Chapter 15 : I think it had ADHD

The next month seemed to fly by insignificantly. The party plans were well under way and Toby didn't seem to get suspicious of the constant whisperings and group meetings without him. Or maybe he had but hadn't mentioned it. There had been a few close encounters with Toby finding out, like the time he acted like an alien popping up in the middle of one of our gatherings. Suffice to Mason had made up a brilliant cover story that his pet dog had somehow caught and STD and he didn't want to worry Toby with it's wellbeing.

The party was tonight and action was underway to get everything together in time. The party was being hosted at Hayden's house and the whole senior class was invited and anyone else who knew Toby, news travelled fast and sometimes I was worried Toby would find out, but Hayden reassured me I was just being paranoid.

Right now Hayden and I were in his car preparing to journey the 1 hour and 1 minute car ride in current traffic to San Francisco to pick up the fancy cake we ordered for the party.

"Okay SatNav take me to San Francisco."

"Quickest route to Santa Cruz."

"No, San Francisco," Hayden said clearly, getting frustrated by the little device in front of him.

"Planning route to Santa Cruz."

"Fuck you SatNav," Hayden shouts throwing the annoying sounding woman onto the back seat. I giggled at his irritation, finding it amusing. Hearing my laughter ring through the car, Hayden turned to look at me, waggling his finger in my face like a parent telling their toddler off.

"Don't you encourage it, I think it had ADHD," Hayden smirks at me, gesturing to the devil in the backseat. At this I laugh even more as Hayden just sighs, turning to look out the front windscreen.

When my laughter calms down Hayden speaks.

"We'll just wing it, I know the route vaguely."

A little voice sounds from the back seat, "Planning route to Wingstop."

"No, no, no," Hayden shouts grabbing Satan's child from the back seat and walking back into his house. Five minutes later Hayden walks out looking accomplished.

"What did you do to it?"

"I gave it to someone who will help its ADHD."

"You're so considerate, Hayden," I coo.

"Oh stop, you're making me blush," Hayden says over dramatically, pretending to flick his hair over his shoulder.

"Just drive, you girl," I say, slapping his shoulder.

Hayden started the car and started to drive out of his large driveway, when he reached the road he stopped.

"Left or right?" he asked me. I gasped, he didn't even know which way to go from here. Just as I was about to speak Hayden threw his head back and let out a booming laugh.

"I'm only playing with you, I've made this trip plenty of times," he laughed, "but your face was priceless."

Huffing, I turned and stared out the window as Hayden began driving again still laughing to himself.

"Brooke," Hayden called.

I ignored him.


Ignored again.

"Babe, don't be like that you'll ruin our first date," he whined.

I couldn't ignore that.

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