Chapter 8 : Google is now my best friend

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Chapter 8 : Google is now my best friend

Toby's POV

"I don't think I love her, I know I love her, I've loved her since the moment I saw her," he sighed.

"You need to tell her, man, you're hurting yourself and probably her by keeping it a secret," I replied, helping out my friend.

"You're right, next time I see her I'll kiss smack dab on the lips and tell her how I feel," he agreed, running the plan through his head.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

I followed my friend down to the front door and peered over his shoulder as he pulled it open.

"Hi Reuben," she said looking like she was here to do business, Brooke.

"Hi Brooke," both me and Reuben replied simultaneously.

Brooke turned her deep green eyes to me and smiled. Before her eyebrows tugged inwards and confusion coloured her features.

"Hi Toby, I didn't know you and Reuben were friends."

I laughed a little before replying to her blonde statement.

"How would you? You've only been here for a week."

"A week and one day actually!" she exclaimed clicking her fingers in a z formation before we both burst out laughing.

"Are you two done flirting so I can actually invite her in?" Reuben asked rolling his eyes.

I whacked him on the back of the head as he stepped to the side to let Brooke in. As soon as Reuben had the door closed behind her Brooke jumped straight to the point, the exact same thing we were talking about moments before.

"Sophie loves you and I know you feel the same way so just tell her, you're putting yourselves in the friend zone even though you both know you'd work as more."

Reuben didn't even answer, just put his shoes on and ran out the door, straight to his car. Nobody had to ask where he was going, both me and Brooke knew.

"Lock the door with the spare key before you leave," he shouted out of his open car window before whizzing off down the road.

I turned to Brooke.

"I'm so sorry I had to cut our night short last night," I said, apologetically.

She shook her head, "it's ok, but why did you need to leave so suddenly?" She asked.

I immediately tensed, why couldn't I predict she was going to ask that?

Only my close friends knew that. Maybe I needed to let my walls down for her.

"Can I trust you?"


Brooke's POV

"Can I trust you?"

"Yes" I replied, without a second's thought. Something about Toby intrigued me, he seemed different to his friends. In a good way.

He walked towards his car parked on the road and I followed him to it. I silently wonder why I hadn't seen it on my way to Reuben's front door. Toby opened the passenger door for me and I slipped in, doing my seatbelt up as Toby walked around the other side.

I broke the silence as he shut his door, starting the ignition of the car.

"The door, we were supposed to lock it."

He sighed, jumping out of the car and running to the front door and locking it as I went into hysterics. Toby came back and silenced my laughter with a flick of his hand before he went serious.

All for a reasonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें