Chapter 5 : Edward Cullen? Is that you?

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Chapter 5 : Edward Cullen? Is that you?

Hayden leaned back. His words had left me a little breathless and had caused a fire to ignite around my body, warming me up instantly and probably colouring my cheeks a bright shade of red.

"T-thanks, you don't look so bad yourself," I stuttered. He gave me a genuine smile and pulled me towards a door, I tried to focus on where we were going but nothing could distract me from the small bolts of electricity going up my arms. I shook the feeling off, just as Hayden opened the door to show a metal staircase leading to a green lawn, lit up with fairy lights that stretched on forever.

"Come on," he said letting go of my hand and walking down the stairs. I followed him and sat down on a swinging bench next to him overlooking the lawn and the dark blue swimming pool.

"Sooo .... Oke, tell me about yourself," Hayden said, breaking the silence that had fell over us.

"Do you want to know the most important thing about me?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly, pleased to be getting some information from me.

"My name is Brooke, not Oke," I shot at him.

He inappropriately laughed at my anger and once his laughter had died down I punched him in the arm, causing him to start laughing even more. When his laughter died he opened his mouth to speak again when a loud bell rang. Startled, I jumped off the bench, Hayden just laughed, again.

"That's our dinner bell, come on," he said, standing up and beckoning me with his hand.

"You have a bell for dinner, that's funny," I said, holding in a laugh.

He just shook his head, leading the two of us inside.


Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Alarm clocks, I hate them.

Waving my arm around where the annoying noise was coming from, I turned the alarm off. I cracked my eyes open and immediately shut them again when the bright light streamed in through the window. It was Friday, I'd survived the rest of the week at my new school and today was the only thing between me and a stress free weekend, so naturally, I was in a good mood.

I pulled myself out of my bed and immediately went to the bathroom. After I'd showered and finished in the bathroom, I walked to my walk in closet selecting a pair of short dungarees and a colourful crop top slipping them on before pulling my – well, Cameron's – favourite hoody over the top.

I grabbed my phone and bag and skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I ate my breakfast quickly before bidding goodbye to my parents and walking out of the door. I walked to school slowly, in my own little world when a honk of a horn brought me out of it, bumping me back down into reality. I looked to the road to see Toby driving a sleek blue sports car, he smiled dorkily at me.

"Do you want a lift?" He asked.

I nodded, over the week I'd gotten to know Toby quite well and I liked to think we were friends, but that wasn't the only reason I accepted his offer. I was lazy and he'd offered me an exercise free way to school.

"Thanks," I said whilst jumping in the passenger side.

"No problem," he replied driving down the road. Instead of going the route I expected him to get to school he took a turn I wasn't expecting. Just as I was about to ask him where we were going he read my mind.

"We're going to Aaron's house to pick Aaron, Elliott and Mason up."

"Edward Cullen? Is that you?" I asked jokingly.

"Nope, I'm too hot to be a vampire," he replied cockily. I laughed.

He suddenly pulled to a stop outside a house and just as he did the front door flew open and 3 boys came racing to the car. When they reached the car Aaron and Elliott climbed in the back whilst Mason opened the passenger door. A disappointed look crossing his features when he saw me sitting there, but quickly rearranging his facial expression to a smirk.

That's all these boys ever do.

"Well, if it isn't Hayden's girl," he tutted.

"It must be Brooke," I finished. I was not Hayden's girl, we may have had some sort of 'moment' on Monday evening but he had been nothing but annoying the rest of the week and I still had a boyfriend, even if he wasn't here with me.

My comment caused a chuckle from Toby as Mason slammed the passenger door shut and climbed in the back with Aaron and Elliott, the smirk still on his face.


I knew I'd get some attention getting a ride into school with the 'alpha' males of the popularity scale at Fremont High School, but I wasn't expecting this much. I was used to the jealous stares from the girls as I was dating the most popular person from my old school but the glances of appreciation from the boys threw me off. I wasn't anything glamorous to look at.

I reached my locker and opened it up; the excitement had worn off now. I collected the books I needed for the day and closed my locker, before turning to face a very blonde female.

"Hey," she chirped. How she could be so cheerful in the morning I'd never know.

"Um ... hey," I replied, unsure. She smiled a very white, very fake smile. I smiled back at her but I'm pretty sure it looked more like a grimace.

"I'm Tori and I'm head cheerleader."

I should of guessed.

"Okay?" I replied.

"You should come try out, you're perfect cheerleader material."

Hmmm, let me think. Cheer, a form of exercise, it definitely would be good for me.... sarcasm.

"No, thank you, I'm really not sporty." I replied.

She did a really fake giggle.

"You do know Hayden and his boys won't pay any attention to you if you're not a cheerleader."

"What if I don't want their attention?" I rhetorically asked her.

Her fake smile fell of her face only to be replaced with a scowl.

"You seem pretty desperate to me," she hissed. Just as I was about to answer her Sophie came to my rescue.

"She has a boyfriend, which is better than what you'll ever get; the only thing boys want from you is sex." Sophie fired before pulling me off down the hallway to my first class of the day.


Authors note -

Sorry, this is shorter than usual, I've been really busy this week but I wanted to give you something.

I hope you like it!



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