Chapter 20 : She sounded like a baby pig

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Slightly shorter chapter this week because I wanted to finish it when I did, please don't kill me! Without further ado, enjoy this drama filled chapter and remember to vote and comment!

Chapter 20 : She sounded like a baby pig.

When I imagined my Friday off school, I did not imagine it like this. Squished between a bulging fat man and a curious middle aged lady, with a voice far too high that it was a surprise I could hear it.

My parents weren't rich, I never had the privilege of flying first class ... or premium economy, to be honest. So here I was sat in an middle of the row economy seat with no extra leg room between a man who should probably lay off the Jammie Dodgers and a woman who probably couldn't even be heard by dog kind.

Yes, she was that high pitched.

My phone dinged in my pocket and I took it out looking at the text Hayden had sent me.

Have fun, I'll miss you :( xxx

I smiled at the message before typing a reply.

I'll miss you too :( xxx

And I would, I didn't like the idea of being away from him but I was hoping, hoping really hard, that seeing Cameron would help me with my feelings for Hayden. I couldn't deny them, they were definitely there but I didn't like it. Hayden obviously didn't have feelings for me, he was a player, and I had a boyfriend. I keep telling myself it's the distance. The distance is the thing that is diminishing my feelings for Cameron and replacing them with new feelings, part of me knows that's true. I want to be able to love someone nearby not someone who's living on the other side of the world.

A tap on my shoulder brings me out of my thought bubble, it's the woman. The curious woman.

"Your boyfriend's sweet, huh," she squealed, gesturing to the phone resting in my hand.

"Umm, he's not my boyfriend," I replied, flinching away from her high pitched voice.

"Oh that's a shame," she squeaked.

She sounded like a baby pig.

I put my phone away, resting my head on the back of my seat and closing my eyes. I let out a sigh, this was going to be a long trip and the nervousness of seeing Cameron again was tearing away at my insides. The woman next to me began talking again and I clenched my fists in annoyance.

Lord, help me.


An excruciatingly long 11 hours later I hopped of the aeroplane, thanking the tall, slender women with the bright red lipstick. Pulling all my belongings for the next few days behind me in the polka dot hand luggage bag. It felt so good to be back, no matter how long.

I manoeuvred my way through the airport, moving through customs and past the cute little sniffer dog. I walked out of the arrival door, searching the relatively small crowd for the familiar face. A hand waving frantically attracted my attention and as I followed the hand, down the arm to the face a big beam spread across my face. Awkwardly waddling with my bag dragging behind me, I ran to her , wrapping my arms around her neck. She hugged me back, my second mum.

Cameron's mum, Julie, hadn't changed a bit since I'd last seen her. Her friendly smile and brunette bob cut that framed her face perfectly. She smiled widely at me, cupping my cheeks in her hands.

"Brooke, you've caught the sun," she said, excitedly.

I laughed at her comment but smiled none the less.

"You think?" I asked. This was an ongoing joke between Julie and I, she always used to joke about my pale skin and my inability to tan.

Ginger problems.

For us to fall back into our easy going banter made everything seem less daunting. I had been working myself up over seeing Cameron again, to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

Julie led the way to her car, pushing my bag into the boot of the car. We fell into easy chatter about how life had been on opposite sides of the globe as we drove to her house.

Cameron's house.

I was wringing my hands in nervousness in my lap, biting my lip as if it would relieve some of tension in my body.

"I'll be in the garden if you need me, he's up in his bedroom," Julie said kindly as we pulled up on the drive of the house I knew so well. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as I walked up the drive, pulling my suitcase behind me. I saw Julie's head disappear around the side of the house and then I was left on my own, standing in front of the red front door I used to be so excited to walk through every time I visited.

I was excited this time but it was just slightly mixed with nervousness.

Okay, maybe a lot of nervousness.

I pushed the handle of the door, opening it quietly, stepping into the house. I left my suitcase by the door, the thought of being so close to my lover pulling me in. He was like the north side of the magnet and I was the south of another, we attracted each other and I could feel the force pulling me up the stairs.

I stopped outside his bedroom door, breathing heavily. My heart was beating like a horse riding in a race and I feared of going into cardiac arrest soon. I pushed the door gently, stepping gently in the room.

But nothing could prepare me for what I would see.

I stumbled out of the room, shocked at the sight before me. I could feel my heart breaking, tears welling in my eyes.

"No," I whispered.

They looked up at me, somehow shocked that they had been caught.


"Brooke," Cameron said, pulling his t shirt over his head, his jeans hanging low on his hips, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you, what is she doing here?" I said, surprisingly calm, gesturing to Freya sitting on the bed.

"Umm, we had som-"

"Don't lie to me, tell me the truth," I shouted at him.

"Fuck," he muttered.

It hurt that he would cheat. It hurt more that he cheated on me with my best friend.

"Brooke, you've got to learn that all good things come to an end," Freya said slyly, smirking as she walked up to Cameron putting her hand on his chest and moving up to give him a kiss.

He kissed back.

"Stop, stop it." The tears were falling down my cheeks now, the salty drops falling into my mouth.

"Cameron, tell her baby," Freya said to Cameron.

I looked to Cameron in confusion, his features were hard, he wasn't the kind, loving boyfriend I left behind.

"I never loved you," he told me bluntly, "Freya's always been the one for me."

"What?" I whispered, shocked that he would actually do this to me.

"She played hard to get," he smirked, "I thought why not go for the unpopular, naive best friend who doesn't know a thing, she'll date me, I can get to Freya and I might even get a lay out of it as well, and look, I did, you willingly gave me your virginity, your heart, you were putty in my hands. About 6 months ago, I approached Freya, she wasn't running away from me anymore, but I had to get rid of you, clingy little bitch and then came the news that you were moving ... to America and it couldn't get any better, with you out the way we could be together. You're just a low life scum why would I, most popular person in the school want to date an ugly piece of dirt like you? You were blind, didn't even notice."

Tears were flowing full force down my face at this point. All the insecurities and I had buried at the start of our relationship resurfacing. Cameron had buried those insecurities for me but it turns out the only reason he did that was to get with my best friend.

"How could you do this to me? We're best friends, you knew this would kill me! What happened to always looking out for each other?" I asked Freya emotionally.

"Well I guess that went out the window when you killed my best friend."

All for a reasonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon