Chapter 23 : CCTV doesn't just sit there for nothing

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Chapter 23 : CCTV doesn't just sit there for nothing

I stood looking at my wardrobe, wondering what I was going to wear. Hayden had told me to dress casual for our date and I was beginning to get curious about where we were going. I eventually decided on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black crop top, slipping a red checkered shirt over the top, leaving it unbuttoned. I slipped on my white converse and looked in the mirror. I looked acceptable. I didn't put any make up on, I only wore it for special occasions.

I was a pathetic excuse for a girl.

I put a little bit of money in the back of my phone case before slipping my phone into my pocket, I didn't like to carry a bag. At 1 minute to 6 the doorbell rang. I rushed down the stairs as my dad opened the door. Great. He had a silent stare off with Hayden before turning to me.

"Have a good time, sweetheart," he then turned back to Hayden, "I want her back by eleven, else there'll be consequences."

Hayden nodded in reply, "yes, sir," he replied. I held in a laugh by his alarmed expression and it crossed my mind that he's never done this before. Met a girls father.

I walked past my dad through the door, smiling at Hayden as his eyes tried not to follow my body because my dad was behind me, his eyes following Hayden's every move.

"Bye dad," I called, pulling the door shut behind me so he couldn't watch anymore. Hayden let his eyes walk down my body appreciatively. He reached out for my hand, pulling me along behind him as he opened the car door for me. Before I could climb in the car Hayden grabbed my waist, kissing my lips quickly.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," he murmured, letting me climb into the car. As he walked around to his side of the car I took some time to see what he was wearing. A plain white t shirt which hugged his body and a pair of light blue jeans. He looked amazing.

Hayden started the car, driving the car into the centre of town. I didn't know what we were doing, Hayden had made sure it was surprise and I was looking forward to see what he could come up with such short notice. When we drove past the cinema and all the restaurants I was even more confused.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking at Hayden.

"I'm not telling," he said, "all I can say is that we are almost there," he replied shaking his head.

I reached over putting my hand on his knee, feeling his whole body stiffen up and his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"Please, Hayden," I pouted, pulling my best puppy dog face.

Hayden pulled over to the side of the road, parking the car on the side of the road. I looked around but the only thing I could see was a dodgy looking diner and the bookstore. Before I had chance to ask what we were doing, my door was pulled open and Hayden was holding his hand out for me. I took his hand and he helped me out of the car. He shut the door behind me and pulled me along towards the bookstore. I didn't say a word, just followed him. We stopped in the cookery department of the shop, millions of cookery books on bookshelves. I turned to Hayden.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Hayden's finger on my mouth.

"Welcome to the beginning of our date," he said, "we find a recipe for any meal we fancy, then we cook it, there's nothing better than bonding time in the kitchen," he winked.

"Are you being serious, Hayden?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

"Just give it a chance, yeah?" he replied, taking my face in his hands. I nodded my head and Hayden smiled, kissing my forehead quickly before turning to the bookshelf behind him.

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