Chapter 13 : I would turn him into a hat

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Chapter 13 : I would turn him into a hat

I closed my eyes, hearing some grunting, and then a body came on top of mine, panting heavily. A nose nudged mine and then two hands gently grabbed my wrists, pain shot up my arm.

"Brooke, open your eyes."

My eyes snapped open at the voice that I recognised so well. Reuben's eyes looked into my own as I flung my arms around his neck and started sobbing into his chest. He pulled me up into a sitting position and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Tell us what happened," someone said, Sophie, "did he hurt you?" she asked.

"He just grabbed me," a sob wracked through my body, "and my wrist, it hurts."

Reuben let out what I thought to be a growl. Whether it was about my injury or about the boy who had just reached us I don't know.

"What happened?" asked Hayden, breathing heavily from his run down the beach. Through the build-up of water in my eyes I could see a few more figures running down the beach towards us, I knew who they were.

Reuben stood up roughly and took a threatening step towards Hayden. Hayden stood his ground, he'd beat Reuben in a fight any day. I looked up worryingly at the two teenage boys, hoping a fight wasn't about to start, from beside me Sophie did the same.

"Wrong question, mate," Reuben spat," the correct question would be where were you?" Reuben was angry. Very angry.

"Well that's a very fine question coming from you," Hayden said calmly getting in Reuben's face.

Confused I stood up and walked over to where the boys were squaring up to each other, standing between the two. They were glaring at each other angrily.

"Stop," I ordered, "what's going on here?"

"It shouldn't concern you Brooke, since when did you care," Hayden said and I flinched from his cold tone.

Reuben grabbed my wrist roughly, and pulled me behind him. Unfortunately for him, he'd grabbed the wrong wrist, unbearable pain swarmed my body and tears threatened to fall. I fell to the ground, cradling my wrist protectively to my chest.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, Bro-"Reuben's words were cut off as Hayden swung a fist into his face. Sophie was calling Toby's name, calling for help as she crawled over to me, laying a hand on my shoulder and whispering soothing words in my ear.

Hayden and Reuben were rolling around on the floor throwing punches and kicks at one another, Reuben was looking the worst, most of his face turning a pink colour which was likely to bruise. Sophie was sobbing hysterically at the scene, still calling out for Toby who was taking his time travelling down the beach. I stood up steadily and walked towards the idiots rolling in the sand. With my good hand I roughly grabbed Hayden's t-shirt and pulled as hard as I could. Hayden didn't budge but turned to see the look of anger and concern on my face. He frowned and stood up slowly, stepping away from Reuben. Sophie ran to him, paying him plenty of attention.

Without a word I turned to Hayden, I could see the concern in his eyes as he, very gently, lifted my injured wrist. The pain still throbbed but I was living with it. Hayden rubbed his thumb over my wrist, looking at it intently.

"It's probably fractured, we need to take you to the hospital," Hayden told me, alerting me of what I already knew. I spared a glance at Reuben where Sophie, Toby, Aaron and Mason were fussing over him, trying to slow the blood flow from his nose and lip with the few materials they had to do so.

"I'm going to take Brooke to the hospital," Hayden said loudly.

Toby turned and nodded, handing Hayden his car keys.

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