Chapter 32: This world is ours

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  Foreword: I know I said this would be the final one, but the chapter ended up being so long that I've split it into two  I promise I'll upload the next one soon! Thank you for sticking with this!

Finally the day was over, after hours of music, food and celebration. Voldemort walked upstairs to join his fiancé. It felt strange to say that, and the Dark Lord would never admit to anyone other than Hadrian how excited he was. As a child, this wasn't something he thought he would ever have. Power, respect, and someone that truly loved him. A partner. An equal. He walked into their room and growled at what he saw in front of him...

Hadrian had gone up to the room before Vol, wanting to surprise him. Quickly, he changed into the outfit he had bought earlier, he would not be outdone. He wore nothing but the tightest leather trousers and the three gifts from Vol. He'd just leant back on the dark silk sheets when the door swung open and a deep husky growl reverberated through the room. He smirked and looked up at Vol. "Hello My Lord! Like what you see?" The Dark Lord didn't say anything, and chuckling, he rolled onto his stomach, leaning over the bed to pick up his gift from where he had hidden it. Under Vols side of the bed.

Voldemort had no words for what he saw in front of him. None. When Hade turned and leant over the bed he stalked forwards ready to jump up and ravish him! He paused when Hadrian turned around, holding a small box and wearing his usual masks. Hade was worried about something. He quickly sat besides him and took his face in his hands. "Please mea anam, no masks with me. There's nothing you could do to make me hate you or judge you."

Hadrian was silent for a while longer, trying to calm himself. Those words were exactly the reason he was doing this. Vol wouldn't get power hungry. Not with this. And he wouldn't betray him. "A long time ago, when I was about nine, I climbed a tree and fell out. When I landed, I hit my head and almost died. My dad, Mortimer, visited me to help me heal. Then he gave me an offer. If I ever got tired of living. If I ever wanted to go to him, all I needed to do was ask. But in return, on my eighteenth birthday, I had to go to him. I accepted, and in a year I would have gone to his realm and stayed there, forever." He looked up, and seeing the pure panic in his eyes, couldn't help but smile. "But this year I decided I didn't want that. I looked into it, and there is a way to tether a demon to the mortal realm." At this he opened the box and handed it to Vol.

Voldemort had to take a minute to realise what it was he'd just felt. Fear. Actual fear. More than that, he'd been terrified that Hadrian would leave them all, leave him. He hadn't been scared since he was a little boy, trying not to cry at the sound of the bombs. He took a deep breath and took the box from Hade, opening it carefully. Inside was a small blade, made from a strange material, pure black, and a very old sheet of paper with runes drawn on. "What is this?"  His fiancé looked nervous for a second and was silent before replying. "Vol, you hold in your hands the only known ritual to bind a demon to a human. And, coincidentally, the only way I can stay here. This gives you the power to summon me, control my powers and force me to shift to my full demonic form. That's the kind of power nobody should have. I'm trusting you not to abuse this power, or use it against me..." Voldemort didn't know what to think. This was more than marriage, more than magical bonding, it was even more than a soulbond. This was complete control over the other. And Hadrian trusted him.

Hade was silent for a while, before Vol turned to him and took his face in his hands. " I am honoured, that you trust me with this. With you. No one could ever trust me, or care for me the way you do. And I could never love anyone as I do you. I swear, I will never break this trust." He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly found his way into Tom's lap, straddling him with his arms around his neck.

"Hade, how did you find something like this?" Vol couldn't help but be intrigued at how such a powerful and dark spell could have been created. Surely something like this would have been used before, and banned. "Over a thousand years ago, a wizard was worried about the future of his house's line, so he tried to find a way to ensure their survival. He believed if he could control a demon, they would go on for generations to come. He managed it as well, except he could never summon or capture a demon, to control them. My kind are rare, and have lots of tricks to get out of a sticky situation. And he had no way of holding one long enough to carve the runes into them. The only way this could possibly work was if the demon was willing."

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