Chapter 21: Confessional

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Foreword: hi! I'm so sorry it's take so long. Whilst I've been gone this story has hit over two thousand likes and is submitted to the Wattys2019. In so proud of how far this has gone, and sorry for making you wait. So here it is. Finally. The full story of Hadrian.

Slowly, Hade opened his eyes to soothing darkness, as per usual. So at first he didn't notice anything different. He must have been truly comfortable to not notice for 5 whole minutes. To not notice the arm that held him tightly to a strong, muscled chest. To not notice the warm, tickling breath on his face. Or finally look up and see the beautiful features of Tom. Here. In front of him. In his bed. Finally all the events of last night started to come back to him. The party had been fun. He had seen Mother and Father again, which was great. The Dursleys were dead. At this, a feral grin crossed his features. He had tortured them. Tom had killed them, for him. A warm feeling spread from the centre of his chest at the thought of last night. When Tom had kissed him and told him he was perfect. He had held him all night, and stayed like he'd promised. Tom didn't judge him or fear him. And that had never happened before! Everyone was scared of him eventually. Soon, the warm feeling turned cold and bitter. What would the other think? Would they start to fear him too? "Hade, you are thinking much too deeply for so early in the morning. We haven't even eaten breakfast yet."

Tom awoke to a soothing dark. He was surprised, but quickly realised he shouldn't be. Not when Hadrian was involved. Hadrian, who was currently clinging to him like he thought he would disappear any second, a frown on his face. "Hade, you are thinking much too deeply for so early in the morning. We haven't even eaten breakfast yet." A long sigh and a nod was his answer, before Hadrian looked him in the eye and having him a beautiful, blinding smile. Voldemort surged forwards and quickly captured his lips, releasing them only when they were running out of breath. Dazed, Hade blinked a few times before looking at him. "What was that for?" he asked. Tom looked deep into Hadrian's eyes, and, for the first time in a long time, smiled. "Because I can now," was all he said. And that smile was back. Tom's possessive tendancies reared their head with a vengeance, and as he looked at Hadrian, he knew he would never let anything take him from him.

Hade looked up at Tom and smiled, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "You're main problem is Dumbledore." Jumping up, he grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. The second he shut the door, all his thoughts about what the others would think came flooding back. It was funny how Voldemort could make him forget his worries, when he used to be the cause of them. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he washed his face and changed into his new outfit. Dark red leather trousers and black trainers. Damn, he'd forgotten a shirt. Walking back out, he stopped dead. Tom was standing there, in nothing but boxers. Yes this was a massive improvement to the snake visage. Hade blinked and turned, grabbing a black shirt and putting it on. When he looked around, Tom was dressed and standing at the door. "Ready to go?"

Tom could instantly see the blank mask fall over Hadrian face, and frowned. He didn't want Hade to hide from him. "Don't shut me out. You're worried, what wrong?" Hade sighed and peered up at him. Tom just waited. "What will the others think of me? After seeing what I am." He trailed of and Voldemort realised what had worried his Hadrian so. "Narcissa see's you as a second son. Draco doesn't even know. And Severus is most likely just going to be intrigued. They will all want answers, but they won't reject you." Both of them ignored the fact that Lucius could very well react badly.

Hadrian didn't say anything. He just nodded and walked downstairs. He could do this.

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