Chapter 31: Deal with it Trixie!

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Wow. Just wow. I honestly never thought that this Fic would be so popular. It's coming to the end now, and I'm so excited for the next one. I hope you guys will stick with Harry. Maybe?

Bellatrix sat with her husband and brother in law, sore after the fight with ickle harrykins. He was all grown up now! Little lion can roar! But what was he doing here, with Her Lord? It made no sense. And those spells were so dark, not for small tiny children to play with. Severus the traitorous spy finished healing her, and she quickly cuddled up to her sweet little sister Cissa. Finally, Her Lord walked in, with Potter following. She was about to ask what was going on when she saw something terrible! "YOU FILTHY HALFBLOOD! You dare sit on Our Lords lap? You aren't worthy to be in his presence let alone..."

Narcissa had been very worried about the entire holiday, but seeing her sister scream at Hade, as his strong blank mask returned, pushed her over the edge. "Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black, sit down and shut your mouth! Hadrian had more of a right to stand by our Lord...or sit on him... than any of us. He's powerful, intelligent and dark! You know nothing of him, and as our Lord dictates, we are to treat him as we treat Our Lord! He's not going anywhere, so just deal with it Trixie!" Narcissa stopped, breathing heavily and flushing from both exertion and embarrassment. She hadn't been so angry or empassioned in front of anyone since she was a child.

Voldemort was silent, wondering how Bella would react to Hadrian. The Lestranges were amongst his most loyal, but he wouldn't hesitate to kill them if it kept Hade, and coincidentally his horcrux, safe. Bellatrix was silent, clearly shocked by her sisters words, before turning slowly towards the Chosen One. Everyone in the room waited with baited breath, except Hade, who seemed strangely calm.

Bellatrix was shocked. Her little sister hadn't shouted like that since Draco was born, a moment she pretended not to remember. Lucius surely remembered his wife hexing his balls off and swearing like a sailor. She stood and turned towards Harry Potter. Grinning like a mad woman she grabbed him into a clawing painful hug. "Harrykins, I knew you'd come round one day! Oh we are going to have so much fun." She crooned, stroking his cheek in an almost motherly caress.

Hade laughed out loud. Not the sweet giggle Vol elicited from him. Not the husky chuckle from Draco's silly jokes or at Severus' witty comments. Not even the stiff polite huff at Lucius' sly political insults. It was more like the laugh of a dying crazy man. Or Bellatrix Lestrange. You see, Hadrian had one last secret. He knew Bella. They hadn't just fought in the Ministry atrium. Where else could he have learnt such a wonderful Crucio. Of course she hadn't know just how dark he was. It would be fun playing with her now.

Lucius exchanged quick glances with Severus. It would seem the Black Madness decided to show up in all three of the Blacks. He was lucky Draco was more of a Malfoy.

Vol wasn't sure what he thought about Hadrian being so close to his insane most loyal follower, he would have to wait and see how it went. Hopefully everything would be sorted by Christmas.

Christmas day

Hadrian woke up early on Christmas, which wasn't a common occurrence. Usually he didn't have anything to look forward to. This Christmas, however, would be different. The room was cloaked in a thick comforting darkness, almost like a warm blanket. Looking up, he greeted his father, Mortimer, Death. "Hey dad. Merry Christmas." He smiled waiting for a reply in that familiar rasping, deep sibilant language of the dead. "Hello my son. Merry tidings this Yule. I see you have made a decision." At this, Hade smiled sheepishly, blushing. Only around his parents, and now Vol, could he be so clear and open with his emotions. "Yeah, I think Vol is special. I want to stay with him." Death didn't respond, silent, yet clearly approving. "I'm sure I will see you again, even if you do stick to this mortal realm. I love you my son." Hadrian smiled, a sweet innocent smile. "And I you."

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