Chapter 26: Threats and thoughts

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As they entered the Great hall Lulu sat down at the Ravenclaw table, alone as usual. She watched Hadrian walk over to the Gryffindor table, next to Neville. They spoke in hushed whispers and she knew they would meet later to discuss the changes over the summer. Luna also knew that sticking with Snake was the right thing to do. He made the Basilisk sane again, and would bring change to the magical world, change for the better. But the Bumblebee would do anything to stop him. Neville looked up at her, a confused look on his face, but she just returned it with a dreamy smile before looking up at the beams of the roof for Humdingers. They were around a lot this time of the year.

Hade smiled at Neville before leaning back over and eating his breakfast. Hopefully this wouldn't be too difficult. Just as he thought that, the two Weasleys with Granger stormed in. Hermione's hair seemed bushier than usual, whilst Ginny and Ron's face matched their hair. "Hey guys, what's wrong?" The bushy haired cow looked furious and as she drew in a deep breath Hadrian knew today would be difficult one way or another. Maybe Luna was wrong for once? "Harry James Potter! What on Merlin's name were you thinking? After this summer, the first night we wake up and you've just disappeared. You could have have died, you could have been kidnapped! What the hell were you thinking?" Hade raised an eyebrow, surprised that they had reached a new level of controlling. "What do you mean Mione, I just woke up early and came here. I don't see why you're so upset." Ronald scowled at him and said "Why the hell would you get up early, what were you doing?" Before he could even reply Ginny interrupted. "We were just worried Harry. Don't shout at him Ron. He just woke up early, probably because of your snoring!" She giggled and fluttered her eyes at Hadrian before sitting next to him and pushing her chest out. Hade looked at her out the corner of his eye, distractedly wondering if she was having a seizure. He scooted over slightly, only to be trapped in by Granger. Suddenly, he lost his appetite and stood up quickly, rubbing his head. Just as he predicted, all three of them zoomed in on his scar. "Is it V-v-vol, you know who?" Hade shrugged and said "Its probably just a headache. I'm going to take a walk, I've already eaten anyway." As he walked out of the Great Hall he loosed a deep breath, relieved to have escaped from the stalkers.

Draco instantly stood from his seat and walked out of the Great hall after Hade. He hadn't eaten, and Mother would kill him if he and Uncle Severus didn't do anything about it. He knew Hadrian knew he was there. Grabbing his friends hand he dragged him into a dark passageway behind a tapestry. "Hadrian, I know they are annoying but you can't fall back into old habits. You have to eat." Hade had pulled up his blank mask again, looking incredibly, painfully bored by this entire conversation, just looking at Draco like he didn't care. This worried Draco. Hade had been like this when he'd first arrived, but by the end of summer he'd been much more open with them all. He needed Uncle Sevs help. They would sort this out, or his name wasn't Draconis Lucius Malfoy!

Severus had also noticed Hadrian's appalling eating habits and had walked back to his office, to see if the boy would willingly come to him. This was proven wrong as Draco dragged in an exasperated Hade with his frightening masks back in place. "Uncle Severus! Something's wrong with him. He won't eat, and his masks are back up. I thought he'd stopped using those?" All of these were fired off in quick succession, and the panic was clear to see in his eyes. Turning to Hadrian he looked him up and down, wondering what had happened to distance himself from them yet again. "Hadrian what's wrong? Do I need to call My Lord?" At that, Hades eyes started to sparkle brightly. "Or perhaps Narcissa would be better? We could inform her how you've ceased to eat here." His eyes widened in panic and he finally spoke. "You can't do that! She'd storm Hogwarts herself!" Pleased with himself Severus allowed a small smirk to appear across his face.

Hadrian frowned at Severus' blatent baiting, but with-held the eye roll. "Fine, I'm sorry. I'm just used to distancing myself from everyone at Hogwarts, except for the meddlesome trio. I have to pretend I like them and it's horrible. I've got a massive headache and I can barely talk to Tom, you guys or my other friends without one of my stalkers breathing down my neck!" By the end of his rant Hade flopped down into Sevs chair rather gracefully. Severus spoke up. "I have received word from My Lord." Hadrian found himself leaning forward eagerly, and instantly despised himself for falling so hard for the Dark Lord. Sev continued, "He has decided to move up the attack, as Dumbledore has become suspicious after his actions over the summer. Once you return after Yule break, you will need to bring the  Death eaters into Hogwarts." Hade couldn't stop himself from getting excited. He could finally get his revenge on Dumbledore! "Okay, great! I guess I can hold up for that long. I'm talking to Nev after class, then with any luck I can talk to Tom properly later." Both Severus and Draco just raised an eyebrow, looking at Hadrian unimpressed. He sighed, can't get anything past a Slytherin. "And I'll try to eat more." Finally they let him leave, and he and Draco went to their respective lessons.

Six hours of tedious repeated lesson material reminded Hadrian how hard this coming year would be. With Granger constantly treating him like and idiot, and Ronald being an idiot, it was a wonder he hadn't snapped and killed them. Only the image of their shocked faces when they realised his betrayal made it worth it. That, and their appalling company was better than Ginny Weasleys. He'd managed to avoid them between classes as well, calling sick and running to the kitchens for food. Hade knew that Severus really would tell Narcissa. Finally, night fell and Hadrian walked into the Room of Requirement where Neville was waiting for him. This was going to be a difficult conversation, but he thought back to his conversation with Luna and forged ahead. Time for Snake to get Scorpion on side.

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