Chapter 20: Revealed in the flames- Part 2

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The night had gone off without a hitch. He had spoken to pureblood families both light, dark and neutral. This party was open to all purebloods and political figures. Tom had said that Hadrian would be introduced to his death eaters another time. The minister hadn't even recognised him. Their had only been one problem. Dumbledore and certain members of the Order were their. Shacklebolt and Remus, surprisingly. The worry on their faces said everything. They had finally discovered that Potter was missing. When Hade pointed this out to Sev, Luc, Tom and Draco, all four had burst out laughing. Thus garnering plenty of evil looks from the light sided duo. Most likely because Tom had opted out of wearing a glamour. He looked exactly like and older, more mature and sexy version of Tom Riddle. Speaking of. He and Tom had spent almost the entire night together, apart from one point, when strangely enough, Tom had slipped away to speak to his parents. The whole night was almost ruined when the light three had walked up to the Dark group of five. "Tom, my dear boy! I wasn't expecting to see you out in the open now the ministry has acknowledged your return. And at a birthday party no less." All in the group glared at Dumbledore. Hadrian could see Severus restraining himself from doing the same. Tom then smirked and rest his and on Hades shoulder. "Hadrian is new to the family and I simply wished too......welcome him to the ranks." Hadrian could see the wheels in Old Dumbles head spinning. "Well happy birthday my boy. I wonder, will you be coming to Hogwarts? If you do, my office is always open to any who wish for help or advice." Hadrian wanted to punch the damn twinkle out of his eye. Or gouge his eye out of his head. Either way. "No, Mr.Dumbledore, I will not. And I believe we all have more important things to do than chat in an office and play favourites. That reminds me, how is you saviour? I was hoping to meet him." There. That got rid of the idiots twinkle. And it was definitely worth it to see the wide grin on Tom's face. Dumbledore looked furious, and instead of answering him, looked towards Tom. "I know what you have done Tom. We will get him back, and when we do, you will lose." With that the trio left.

Besides the unpleasant surprise of Dumbledore, Tom felt the party had gone very well. He had seen Narcissa leave occasionally, to put presents in the family living room, for afterwards. And spending the night with Hadrian had been a treat. Now he was no longer avoiding him, their flirtatious teasing and smouldering looks had returned with vigour. The worst part, he would say, was the uncomfortable conversation with Hadrians parents. "Excuse me your Majesties, may I have a word?" They nodded and withdrew to a corner of the room. "What are your intentions with our son?" They hadn't waited for him to speak. "I wish to court him, if you would allow me to." They looked at each other for a moment, clearly communicating without words. "You are very powerful. A good match for our son. And we've seen how you look at him you care for him." The Vampiric Queen stated. The King continued. "Do you intend to marry him?" he asked. Tom felt rather shocked and uncomfortable at that, but nodded. He wanted Hadrian to be wholly his. "Very well. You may court him, if he agrees. However, we will warn you now. Before you marry him, we and the Lady Malfoy are not the only ones you need blessing from." This was said in unison and had terrified Tom. Now however, the party was over and the guests had left.

Draco was ecstatic. The ball had been brilliant and Hade was finally going to open all his presents. He had a lot.

Hadrian was shocked. Never in his life had he gotten so many gifts. From strangers he got books about his Lordships as well as politics and various other subjects. Most of which he had already read. What he had really been looking forward to were the gifts from his newfound family. From his mother and father he received and incredible rare albino opal eyed Dragon egg. As opal eyes are white anyway, the Black dragons were referred to as albino. From Lucius, he received a very old Malfoy grimoir, dedicated entirely to original dark spells and curses. From Sev he received a rare potions book written in ancient Romanian. It was both a gift and a joke, as he had recently learnt that Hade spoke many languages. What he didn't realise was that, due to his adopted parentage he was fluent in both ancient Russian and Romanian. Ha! From Draco he received a pendant of a two silver dragons encircling each other. Apparently Draco had one just like it, which acted as a portkey. Though the gift he treasured the most was from Narcissa. She wished to adopt him officially into the Malfoy family, with Lucius as his uncle and Draco his cousin. It cracked even the Malfoys icy hearts and any tears seen were left unsaid. Finally, he had only the gift from Tom left. He looked towards him and grinned. Tom rolled his eyes, but leant forwards, a box in hand. "This is not only a token of alliance, but a sign that I do trust and care for you." Hadrian was touched and wondered what gift could call for such words. Opening the box, Hade gasped at what it held. Slytherins Locket. Tom's horcrux. Hade went to hide it but Tom said, "Don't worry everyone here knows about them. They are my most trusted followers after all." Hadrian was shocked. Tom would trust him with this! "In that case their is something I have to tell you. Do you remember when I mentioned how I fought with your diary, the first horcrux?" At his nod he continued. "Well I didn't actually destroy it. I used a replicating spell and stabbed that one instead. I just bound your would back into the Diary. I still have it in my room. Tommy and I are actually good freinds now." The shocked look on their faces made his night. He considered telling Tom that he was also a horcrux. But decided against it. He still didn't know how to explain his disappearance in the study, let alone how he knew about his horcruxes in the first place.

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