Chapter 9: The truth in the lies 2

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Foreword: I've got a new idea for another story. Should I finish this one first or start writing the new one as well. Also, do I add the twins, neville and Luna as Harry's friends? Comments are always appreciated!

Harry closed his eyes to contain his anger, not wanting to lash out at them, the only people who were listening. "Obviously in 5th year you killed Black. But there was more to it than that. When that disgusting toad Umbridge sent Dementors after me, I was taken to the ministry for use of a Patronus in front of a muggle. That's when I was introduced to Fumbleroars order of the fried chickens. That's when I discovered Arabella Figg was a member. She was a squib Dumbleduck had employed to keep an eye on me. She was my babysitter. And she knew about everything the Dursleys did to me. That really solidified the idea that Dumblefuck knew. That's when I decided that I hated him. So I started gathering information on him. Every dirty little secret. I didn't just want to kill that bastard. I wanted to humiliate him. Take everything he had out from under him and watch as his whole world fell down. I wanted to be there to see the look on his face when he realised just how big a mistake he made messing with me!" At this point Harry was almost shouting, and his were glowing a swirling Avada green.

Voldemort didn't know what to think anymore. Potter was dark. Potter was cruel and intelligent and powerful. He inhaled sharply as he looked into those beautiful eyes, swirling with passionate hatred and knew that together, they could destroy Dumbledore. They could rule the world. And for some reason, Tom didn't mind the idea of sharing it with Harry.

Narcissa was quite angry herself at this point. How dare anyone hurt this intelligent sweet little boy. She swore on the name Malfoy and Black that he would never be hurt again. She was his mother now. And if Lucius or her Dragon had a problem with it, they could take it up with her. "Well dear, we are just going to have to make sure that happens. Don't worry your perfectly safe here and I'm going to make sure you want for nothing, ok sweetie?" She said as the stroked his tangled black mane. The Black Madness truly hadn't skipped any of them.

Harry stared at Cissa, slightly scared if not a little comforted by her mothering. He turned towards Voldemort with a look in his that pleaded for help. The cruel Dark Lord simply smirked before standing from his armchair and moving to sit on the bed next to him.

Tom couldn't help it. But he had always been insatiable in his curiosity. He moved closer to Harry because.... well because he wanted to. "Just two more questions before you start smothering the boy Narcissa." The look she gave him cowed even a Dark Lord. Narcissa was one of the very few Death Eaters that Voldemort truly respected and liked. But she could be scary when she wanted. Harry looked over to him, with that bored uncaring look on his face again. Voldemort frowned. He didn't like it. For some reason he wanted Harry to smile. "Make that three. The first one is what happened to you. In the forest. It was right outside of my manor, I was out looking for Nagini. How did you get there?" Luckily Nagini had returned the day after Potter was taken to the Malfoys. She was currently waiting for him in the study of the wing Tom had commandeered.

Harry had pulled up his icy mask again, because he just knew Voldemort would ask him that. With a cool expression he leaned back against Narci, comforted by her embrace. "Well as you know, Bellatrix killed Sirius. Honestly I didn't really know the man that much, so his death didn't bother me. But I'd been using his status as a mass murderer to keep the Dursleys off my back. Crumbleprat ordered the Order to tell my relatives of his death. So they totally unleashed on me. Said I was freak, and that this time they'd kill me for good." He saw both of them want to ask about that, about the word that stared up at him from his medical record. Death. But they clearly knew not to ask about his seventh year of life, as they kept silent. "It was only when he stabbed me that I decided I didn't care anymore. I refused to play along with Dumb-as-a-doors games anymore. So I just apperated away to somewhere I could be safe. And I turned up in that forest, waiting to die. I didn't even know where I was."

Voldemort didn't understand why Harry's subconscious thought he was safe. Although he couldn't help but feel smug at the fact. Harry had come to him. "Very well. One more question. Those lights. You recognised them I know you did. What was that?" Immediately Harry shook his head. It's about what happened when I was seven. So no, I'm not going to tell you." This angered the Dark Lord. He demanded to know. "So we just aren't supposed to ask any questions about when you were seven?"

Harry was starting to get hungry again, and was seriously pissed at the stupid Dark Twat. "Exactly. Look it's complicated and honestly, I don't trust you enough yet to tell you. Maybe one day. But not today. And before you ask Narcissa, no I won't take off that glamour now. I'm not hiding anymore injuries so there's no need." Harry instantly felt bad about yelling at her and was sure she could tell.

Narcissa wasn't angry at Harry. The poor thing had been through a lot, and was clearly starting to break down. So instead of reprimanding him she smiled. "Actually I was going to ask if you and My Lord would like to join us downstairs for breakfast now that conversation is over? You've barely eaten." The sweet little thing just smiled sheepishly and nodded, whilst her Lord looked deep in thought, before responding similarly. With a nod, she stood, wrapped an arm around Harry and began to walk out, Her Lord following.

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