Chapter 10: Face the Music

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Foreword: This will be mainly Harrys point of view, but showing Lucius and Dracos initial reaction. And Narcissa is going to be a total mama bear. Draco isnt taking this lying down.

Harry sighed, and allowed Narcissa to walk him out of the guest room. The relief he felt now they knew most of it was surprising. The only thing that worried him now was the frustrated and curious face on Voldemort. That couldn't bode well for him. Tom was going to want answers. His secret probably wouldn't be all that secret for long. Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts, smiling reassuringly at Narci when she looked at him inquiringly. He didn't have time to focus on that. He had two rude and stubborn Malfoys to deal with. At least he didn't have to hide behind his masks anymore. Time to play!

Lucius was intrigued as to who His Lords honoured guest was, and why they required his wife's attentions. It must be an important new pureblood ally to be rewarded such privelage as Their Lords protection. These thoughts are the reason why he was shocked when his wife walked in with Potter behind her. Completely unharmed. Free. And His Lord followed soon after clearly unsurprised by such actions. How dare that pathetic halfblood brat walk by His Lord so casually. What was going on?

Potter! Draco couldn't believe his eyes. Potter was here, in his house, smiling at his mother! Oh the pathetic golden boy was not getting away with this. He had to have everything didn't he? Draco wasn't going to take this attitude from precious Potter as prisoner. He must have been the Dark Lords prisoner. What else could it be?

Harry walked into the dining room smirking slightly at the shocked and outraged looks on the Malfoy Men's faces. Narcissa was clearly having trouble as Well, if the quirked half-smile on her face said anything. He looked towards her and smiled. Apparently this was just unacceptable as Malfoy Jr suddenly leapt from the table screaming "sectumsempra!" Instantly a cruel sharp grin spread across Harry's face as he dodged the bright spell and returned fire with a surprisingly dark "Sanguinem ferverte." The blood boiling curse struck home and Malfoy Jr fell to the ground screaming in agony. It was his own fault. He shouldn't have expected only light spells from Hadrian. Harry was light, Hadrian wasn't. The stupid little ferret should realise that. Oh. Right, the ferret didn't know. His little internal monologue was swiftly interrupted by a bright green spell speeding towards him.

Lucius was furious. How dare the Potter brat hurt his heir. He threw the killing curse at the boy, unfortunately forgetting that this was their Lords esteemed guest. A sudden shout of "Crucio" swiftly reminded him. It hurt like a thousand stab wounds, and was different from the usual burning alive sensation. His Lord must be furious. But when he looked up, it was Potter pointing his wand at him. And he looked terrifying.

Eventually Harry came back to himself and released the spell. He didn't think Voldemort or Narci would appreciate an insane Lucius Malfoy. With a small flourish, he took a seat at the large dining table, with Narcissa doing the same. He looked at her, wary at how she would react to his un-golden boy like state. However she didn't seem to even care that her family were currently sitting on the ground, from the shock of pain. She simply reached forward, putting fruit salad and eggs Benedict on his plate. Voldemort walked over to them and took his seat at the head of the table. Right next to Harry. "As I'm sure you have realised by now, Hadrian is More than capable of looking after himself. I warned you not to attack my guest and you want against them. I would punish but I think this humiliation is punishment enough." Voldemort then leaned towards Harry and said in a quiet solemn tone, "good work." Hadrian looked up surprised, then smirked at the spark of amusement in those crimson orbs. Who'd have thought that the Dark Twat had a sense of humour. The two Malfoys grumbled and groaned but eventually re-took their seats.

Draco turned towards his father, indignant and confused. When he mirrored his expression, they both turned to his mother. And were subsequently shocked. She was serving Potter, patting his hair down and just generally fussing. Narcissa Malfoy didn't fuss. Not even over her own son. Draco had never been the brightest Lumos, and rarely learnt from his mistakes when angry. "What the hell have you done to my mother Potter. What's wrong? Your little mudblood bitch isn't good enough? Oh that's right she's dead. Probably relieved she doesn't have to deal with her freak of a son." Before Draco could continue a sharp resounding crack echoed through the dining hall. Narcissa slowly lowered her hand as Dracos cheek became hot and red. She had slapped him! His own mother had slapped him!

Hadrian was shocked. He honestly wasn't bothered by anything Malfoy said to him, even if he did hate that word. But clearly it bothered Narcissa. It was strange. When Mrs Weasley fussed over him, he despised it. But when Narcissa did, he felt warm and happy and safe. Voldemort cleared his throat and went to speak. Instantly everyone turned towards him, alert and listening. Hadrian was in awe of the respect he had from his followers. It reminded him of... well there was no point dwelling on that. "As you can see Harry is" "Hadrian. Or Hade." He didn't mean to interrupt but he wanted to leave Harry Potter behind. Luckily Voldie didn't look too mad. "Hadrian- is more than capable of looking after himself. He is our Ally now and you are to treat him as you would me. Do you understand?" All of this was accompanied by a ferocious glare, that had Malfoy shaking in his seat. Oh yes. This was going to be fun.

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