Chapter 11: Shame Shame

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Foreword: I'm ashamed, it's not just Lucius. Wow, Spoilers. I'm not sure how long it's been, but I haven't written in a while. I am very happy with you though, dear readers. Number 3 on canon and dark harry. Let's bring that up huh? No? Oh well. I suppose I aught to write some more chapters to make it up for you. Well here you go. Skeletondigger out!

Voldemort was very pleased by the events of the last few days. He had gained a powerful ally, removed an annoying roadblock and finally had Potter by his side. And Hadrian was powerful and cruel and deliciously dark. It was wonderful. Seeing Hade punish Lucius was exhilarating! And that spell. That particular spell was darker than the usual blood boiling curse. Instead of following a branch of elemental magic, manipulating heat, it was blood magic. Forcing one's own blood to turn on itself. Much darker. Much more painful. If he'd held it for a second longer than he had, it could have paralysed the little Malfoy heir. Or killed him. And wasn't that surprising? Oh yes. Hadrian was going to make things very interesting round here.

Malfoy was confused. And he didn't like that, not at all. A Malfoy is intelligent and powerful. And right now Draco, and from looking at his father, Lucius felt like neither. Draco sat and stared at Potter, with no idea what to think. Potter was dark. Potter was cruel. And Potter had just tortured and humiliated two powerful purebloods, whilst allying himself with the Dark Lord and making nice with HIS mother! What was going on? He still looked like the weedy little Gryffindor, if not slightly skinnier and more battered than usual. What changed? Either way it didn't matter. Draco would find out and then get rid if Potter for good. It was probably just the precious golden boy thinking he was so much better than everyone else. Their Lord would tire of him eventually, surely?

In all honesty, Harry was feeling very smug. He had put the Malfoys in their place and it had been so very fun. He probably shouldn't push his luck. Tom (he couldn't think of him as Voldemort after their little torture/bonding session) wouldn't put up with him all the time, surely. But he couldn't help but egg on Malfoy Senior just a little. Narci had practically given her approval! "What's wrong Lord Malfoy? Feeling a little sore? Is that from being defeated by a teenager and a halfblood or just the Cruciatus?" Oh that glare was just precious! If looks could kill Hadrian would be dead. Again! He felt like cackling. Oh merlin he was turning into Bellatrix.

Lucius was furious with the little brat. His Lord may have vouched for him but he would not tolerate such disrespect! "Watch your tongue HEIR Potter. As LORD Malfoy I am your social superior and as such do deserve some respect do you understand?" At this point he slammed his fist on the table, clearly displaying the Malfoy signer ring. Expecting the boy to be somewhat mollified, he retook his seat, waiting for the apology that was sure to come. The infuriating mudblood just smirked. And innocent look, spread across his face, before he nonchalantly rested his head in his hands. "Why yes Lord Malfoy of course any lordship would be above an heirship, no matter the house. However with a Lordship to a noble and ancient house would bring us to closer standing." As this was said, the Potter Lordship ring appeared on his finger. Lucius was surprised, but simply raised an eyebrow unimpressed. The Malfoys were a Most noble and ancient house. Potter wasn't done yet it seemed. "However if that was joined by a Lordship to a Most noble and ancient house such as ... the Blacks, shall we say, then we would be on equal standing." The Black Lordship ring followed the Potter ring. "If this was then joined by a noble and Most ancient house then one would be your superior." The Peverell ring appeared soon after. "And finally a Most noble and Most ancient house would allow me to act however the hell I liked, let alone 3." The Gryffindor, Emrys and Le Fay rings all appeared on Potters hand. At this point Lucius knew he had most royally fucked up. The Boy in front of him was his social, monetary and magical superior several time over. All he could do now was pray for a swift death. Potter was finished. "And finally, if I was to be, let's say an heir to a Most ancient and Royal house, then I could do whatever I wanted, and you would have no say. Am I correct, LORD Malfoy?" The heir armlet appeared on his upper arm, showing him as Heir Romanov Dracula, a prince. How on Salazars name (he could no longer use the Emrys name Merlin in front of the boy) was he in coercion with the Russo/ Romanian vampire royal family!?!

Hadrian Potter Black Romanov Dracula Peverell Gryffindor Emrys Le Fay decided not to say anything else. It wasn't needed. He'd played his game. Oh that was fun!

Voldemort didn't know what to say. Even he was shocked. Hadrian was superior even to him, as Lord Slytherin! He was the Magical Heir to Merlin and Morganna, the most powerful wizards of the ages. And related to all those family's. Well he was certainly glad they were allies now. And that smirk on Hades face. Sin was the only word that could come to mind. Tom quickly looked away, glad his occlumency shields hid any embarrassing expression that may have been on his face. A slight, feminine giggle caught his attention.

Narcissa was never one for politics really, or sudden outbursts of emotion. But if her darling Hadrian kept this up, she may just change her mind. She couldn't help it. She giggled. She hasn't giggled since she was 5 years old and her aunt Walburga said it was un-ladylike. And once that started it was all out. She reached over attempting to straighten his mop of hair giggling like a school girl. "Oh Hadrian darling I haven't seen a face like that on Lucius since we were in school and Severus threw a flobberworm in his face. And how on Earth did you become involved with Vampires. They can be quite elusive you know." Hadrian giggled after and it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen. "Snape really did that?"

Tom couldn't seem to keep his thoughts straight. That one.... giggle from Hade, he decided, was the most enchanting sound in the entire history of sounds. That smile should be illegal. Or locked away so that no one but him could ever see it. Seeing were his insane thoughts were going, he stopped himself and played attention to the matter at hand. The young Malfoy heir was picking at his food dejectedly, slouching in a rather unbecoming way. His father wasn't much better off. Lucius sat straight backed in his chair, staring at the ceiling with a look of utter shock on his face. Meanwhile, Narcissa and Hadrian were in a rather hysterical fit of laughter over the childhood antics of Severus and Lucius. Tom couldn't help but notice that Hade had expertly steered the conversation away from the topic of his relation with Vampires. He was willing to bet it had all occurred as Hadrian had turned seven. Voldemort was determined to discover what had happened to him. After All, he was a Dark Lord. And this Dark Lord always gets what he wants.

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