Chapter 22: Confessional (part 2)

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I split this into two because it was taking a long time to write, I didn't want you guys to have to wait so long. Lucius is such a mood!

He couldn't do this. Hade looked at Voldemort in panic, the stern look on Narcissa's face worrying him. He had only ever seen her look kind, and caring. She had supported him for the weeks he had been here. And now she looked mad. His face had actually been blank for the entire journey, but Tom seemed to be able to read him. Maybe he could just see the panic in his eyes. Suddenly a firm but gentle hand guided him to his seat. Next to Voldemort. The surprise on everyone's faces amused him, and he could relax slightly.

Severus couldn't help but be slightly annoyed at Hadrian. Any time he did anything, Sev had a million more questions to ask. First the quite frankly terrifying appearance yesterday, and now he appears to be the Dark Lords consort? What next? He's secretly a god? Looking around he was relieved that, at least, no one else had known about this development.

Narcissa heaved a large sigh. This was very Hadrian. Always keeping them on their toes. But one matter at a time. "Hadrian we need to speak about last night. And before you ask, yes Draco does know. We felt it was only fair." For a second, utter despair seemed to cross Hades face before it dissapeared. She couldn't even be sure she had seen it. He sighed and slumped in his chair. Narcissa would admit she was panicking a bit. Hadrian had hardly taken his eyes off of the exits, and she didn't want him to leave. But she had to know. They all did. It was time for Hade to stop hiding his secrets from them.

Hadrian sighed and reluctantly stopped looking around for a way out. Narcissa seemed to know what he was thinking from her knowing look. He couldn't run or hide forever. He had a story to tell, might as well get it over with. "By now you've all seen my medical report. You know I died. That's when it all started, when things changed and I discovered magic. Apparently, after that night you attacked us, I'd been watched. No had ever survived a killing curse before. I had escaped death in an entirely new and innocent way. He was intrigued." He looked up from his hands to see the confusion on there faces. Lucius opened his mouth, likely to ask who He was. "Please don't say anything, this is difficult and confusing. Just wait until the end." Luc frowned but nodded and leaned back into the chair. Hade let out a long shuddering breath. He hates talking about this. He hated it! "When I was seven, my uncle got fired. He stayed in a pub for three days getting drunk. Then he came back."

Tom looked over the table and saw the worry on everyone's faces. Hadrian was finally looking up, but his eyes were unfocused. He wasn't seeing them, he was somewhere else. Voldemort felt extremely uncomfortable at the sheer amount of worry he had for Hade. He'd been whispering, in a cold horror filled voice. He'd never shown this much pure emotion before.

Hadrian felt lost. He wasn't in Malfoy Manor anymore. He was just a little boy in a cupboard, terrified. "He walked straight up to my cupboard and dragged me out. Threw me into the living room. It was the only time I ever screamed, because I could see it in his eyes. He was going to kill me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. He punched and beat me for what felt like hours, and then he started choking and shaking me." Hadrian slowly looked back down to his hands. They were shaking. "I heard the crack as he broke my neck. There was this sharp, hot white pain. Then everything went dark." Finally, he looked up to see open horror on their faces. And Tom. He looked furious. "If they weren't already dead I'd find them, and kill them right now," Sev said. Hade chuckled, a harsh bitter sound. "It was after that, that it changed. I woke up. And they were all there. The tri-diety: Death, Fortune, and Fate. And the mother, Hecate. Magic herself. They said I was special. That I was meant for more and it wasn't my time. So they gave me a gift. Fortune became my aunt. She made me lucky, the so called Potter luck. Fate was the same, and she told me about how the prophecy was fake. She gave free will. No prophecy would ever apply to me. Death became my father. He gave me shadows. That's how I became what you saw last night. I'm a shadow demon. The first of my kind. Finally, there was Magic. She became my mother. She gifted me with life. Unless I truly want it, I cannot die. I was grateful at first but with the life I had, it felt more like a curse. Fate, Fortuna, Mortimer and Hecate. They became my family, and my vampire parents are my mortal guardians. Helping me out on earth. But Hecate and Mortimer help out every now and again. A thought in the back of my head, one that isn't mine. Magical blessing, like the oath we made. They are always there in some way I guess." He looked up and the shock on their faces was honestly hilarious. It was difficult not to grin.

Narcissa was shocked. Her sweet adorable Hadrian was a demon! He had been brutally murdered! He was adopted by the gods! It did explain a lot though.

Draco had no idea what to think. His friend, who had basically been adopted by his mother, was actually a child of the gods, who were real, and he was a demon. Hade just couldn't do anything mediocre could he? Its all or nothing!

Dammit! Severus had been so close with the whole nature creature theory. Yes he was shocked that Hadrian was a demon and adopted God child, literally. But he was still Hadrian.

Lucius didn't even blink. At this point he had given up. Hade would always have something more to add. Best to just move on, and not care.

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