Chapter 6: Wrongs and Revelations.

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Foreword: I realised I'm a massive liar. I promised three chapters ago that I'd write every other day. I haven't. So I've decided I'm going to do two chapters in one day. Aren't I nice? Give me an hour,coke, food my glasses and a laptop. A master piece will be here shortly. Can't wait to see what happens right? Me too cause I have no idea!

Well. This wasn't how I saw my morning going. It's so typical of this to happen when Potters are involved. "Well then Potter. Now that's done I suppose we are on the same side now. I'd like to bring one of my followers in to make sure you've recovered fully from that little scene yesterday. Then I have some questions. Does that sound satisfactory?" The Boy seemed rather distracted. It was rather.... adorable. Anyway. Time for answers! He finally looked up from our newest physical additions and faced me.

Voldemort sure was stubborn I'll give him that. I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to tell him. Although we are allies now. Honesty is the best policy and all that. "First of all Voldemort, call me Harry. I've never liked being addressed as Potter. Only snape does that. And yeah I suppose if we must, that sounds.... acceptable." After a moment of consideration he nodded. "Very well, Harry, I'll call in Narcissa now. By the way we're in Malfoy Manor." I nodded and he left. Being in Malfoy Manor should infuriate me and make me want to leave but honestly I couldn't care less. Malfoy Sr is a pompous dick and Malfoy Jr is no better. If they mess with me I'll have no choice but to retaliate. At least that way I'll get some entertainment.

As I walked out of the guest room Harry had been sleeping in, I couldn't help but wonder back on his reactions to these series of events. The boy didn't seem particularly worried about where he was. He clearly had no issue with joining the dark. But from what I and my followers had seen he was perfectly light and brainwashed by Dumbledore. What had changed? That horrific image of Harry dying came into his mind. Harry didn't seem to want to talk about it. Why be so reluctant if one of his death eaters had attacked? And those strange lights. The Boy seemed to know what had happened. Harry Potter was becoming a bigger mystery by the second. Oh well. He would have his answers. Tom didn't like not knowing things.

(Doing Narcissa Malfoys point of view! New character! Yay!)
As I followed My Lord through the corridors of my home I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I was mainly called as a healer after a large raid, as Severus was the main healer. But there had been no raids that I was made aware of since Our Lord gained his new appearance. What was going on? We stopped in front of one of the guest wings of the East wing, which had become Our Lords private quarters when he 'moved in'. He turned to face me and began to speak. "Now Narcissa I'm sure you are wondering why I have called you. I have a new... ally that is very important to myself and the cause. However he was quite gravely injured just yesterday. He has since been healed but requires a check up. I feel he may be more comfortable around you than Severus." Well.... This was strange. I can't believe it. Our Lord did not try to make people comfortable. Often quite the opposite. And an ally? Not a recruit? Whoever this was they must be special. Unlike some of the more idiotic followers I know when I can and cannot push. Most of the time He doesn't like to be questioned. I'd find out for myself soon enough. So with a simple reply of " Yes My Lord" he nodded and opened the door.

Ah this must be Mrs. Malfoy, Harry thought. He didn't know why but he felt it would be beneficial to stay on this woman's good side. He stood quickly. "Ah Lady Malfoy I assume? Thank you for allowing me to recover in your beautiful home." A bit of flattery never hurts right. "It's no issue at all Mr.Potter. And please call me Cissa or Narci. I've heard you've had quite the battle getting here?" She had a nice smile and seemed friendly enough. "Yes you could say that. Call me Harry. Mr Potter sounds so... formal. Like I'm in trouble." At this she laughed. I vaguely remember the Malfoy family are quite close to Snape so it's possible she knows about the kind of trouble I get into. "Well now Harry I'm just going to do a quick medical history scan to check what injuries you sustained and then I can see how they've healed up." Wait! What? "No!" Dammit now they're both staring at me. Come on Potter Snape voice said. "I mean, why do you need to do that. It's just a few things from yesterday and I'm fine now. I don't want to be a bother Cissa." They're just sort of staring at me now. Damn there's no way they fell for that. Hell, I barely believe me. She gave a sort of half-smile and said "It's no bother dear." Fuck

The Boy is lying I just know he is. I've seen my fair share of abuse being with Death Eaters but more than that, I know what Severus went through as a child. Harry is abused. I just know it. But I need proof. Instead of reacting to the poor lie I instead smile and reassure him it's no issue. Then, before he reacts I cast the spell. "Historia salutis revalare." And what I see shocks me.

Patient name: Hadrian James Potter
DOB: Midnight 31st July 1980
Year 1- Healthy
Year 2- Malnourished
Year 3- Malnourished
Year 4- Incidental magic outbursts, malnourished, burns
Year 5- Malnourished, burns, Concussion
Year 6- Malnourished, burns, broken fibula, broken femur, micro fractures left ulna, several concussions
Year 7- Glamour applied, malnourished, burns, broken arms, dislocated shoulder, fractured spine, fractured skull, broken neck, death.

At this I couldn't help but gasp. This couldn't be right. How could he be dead, he was sitting right in front of me? By now My Lord was clearly curious and irritated but I couldn't bring myself to stop reading. It was much the same until the last two years. It got worse. How could it get worse?

Year 15: Malnourished, lacerations to back
Year 16: Malnourished, burns, broken femur, dislocated knee, dislocated shoulder, lacerations to back, multiple stab wounds, punctured lung

This couldn't be right but the spell is always correct. It was real. I passed the sheet to My Lord who by now looked rather angry. That was nothing compared to the expression on his face when he began reading the sheet. I turned back to Harry, who by now has lowered his head so his hair covers his face. "Harry sweetheart? It's ok. I'm going to need you to take your shirt off and the glamour, can you do that for me please?"

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