Chapter 19: Revealed in the flames- Part 1

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Foreword: How I've managed to write this I've no idea. I think I just felt bad for leaving the last chapter so suddenly and then making you wait so long.

Hadrian woke up that morning, for the first time, excited about his birthday. He had never had a party to speak of, and he could finally be rid of those disgusting muggles. There was only one issue to deal with, then the rest of the day could run smoothly. And, hopefully, according to plan. Shrugging off his quickly darkening thoughts, he pulled on casual leather trouser and an untucked dark purple shirt. He then walked downstairs to breakfast. Happy Birthday Hade.

Draco couldn't wait for Hade to come downstairs. The birthday boy had slept in, so Draco had to wait before he could dig into the waffles, pancakes and other assorted goods. He was also looking forward to giving Hadrian his present. He really hoped he liked it, and considering what he knew about Hadrian, he would.

Severus would never admit it, but he too was looking forward to seeing Hadrian. The boy was turning 17 and was, in the eye of the wizarding community, an adult. It was always a momentous occasion, so Severus had gotten Hadrian something special. Not because he liked the boy. Not at all.

Lucius looked around the hall and couldn't help but think his wife had overdone it. Just a little bit. He daren't tell her that though. It would end in hellfire. As much as he adored his wife, her motherly instincts were a terrifying sight.

Narcissa glared at her husband. She knew exactly what he was thinking. However, nothing was too much for Hadrian. He was such a sweet young man, and he'd had nothing before this. If she had it her way, today would be the best day of his life!

Voldemort looked eagerly towards the door, hiding his excitement with a cool composed mask. He truly hoped his efforts would not go unrewarded. He had spent a lot of time thinking about what to get Hadrian. This was perfect, he was sure. Poetic, rather.

Hadrian walked into the dining room and for once dropped his masks. Not only had these people done everything for him, but this! The entire room was decorated tastefully for the evenings events, with a large poster proclaiming 'Happy Coming of Age Hadrian'. The table was laden with delicious pastries and other sweet toothed wonders, as well as the usual breakfast delicacies. And everyone was there smiling brightly. Well, as much as Malfoys, Snapes, and Dark Lords smiled. It was then that Hadrians previous nerves dropped. With a large grin, he raced forward and dropped himself into the seat opposite Draco, next to Tom.

Everyone was shocked. They had seen Hadrian smirk plenty of times, but as they thought about it, they realised they had never seen the teenager smile. It warmed Narcissas heart, melted Severus and Lucius' icy souls and caused Draco to return the expression in turn. And the Dark Lord. That smile should have been illegal. It shined with the light of a million burning stars. He wanted to hide it away and keep it for himself, caused by nothing but him and him alone.

Shaking off his, by now frequent, thoughts Tom greeted the ecstatic teen with a small smile and "Happy Birthday Hadrian". This was followed by a similar chorus, and a tight hug from Narcissa. Once Hadrian was seated everyone took their breakfast. Tom gazed across the table at Hade. Something was clearly on his mind. Voldemort went to ask what was wrong but was saved from asking by Hadrian himself.

Taking a deep breath, Hade steeped himself. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. By now I'm sure you've all seen my medical certificate. You know my titles and I know that ,Severus at least, has become obsessed with unearthing some of my darker secrets. Every birthday since I was seven, I get a visit from the King and Queen of Vampires. Vladimir Dracula and Anastasia adoptive parents." A silence followed and Hade once again became incredibly nervous. Sure they knew he was an heir which most certainly implied this, but hearing it aloud was something else. Oh well. What's done is done. "I intend to invite them to the ball. If that would be acceptable Lady Malfoy?"

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