The Royals

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I take a deep breath. I was so nervous, I didn't know if I was going to survive this. They were arriving today, and they were almost here. I feel a pair of hand come up to my shoulders and squeeze slightly.

   "Relax, Ave. You're going to be just fine, promise." I smile up at Dazz, he's been great with helping me stay calm.

   "I am relaxed." He smirks down at me and starts massaging the muscles in my shoulders. I groan and roll my head around.

   "The knots in your shoulders say otherwise." I shoot him a look and he grins before dropping a kiss on the forehead and taking a step back. I turn back towards the drive way as they start pulling up. I wipe my face of everything but a polite smile and straighten my shoulders.

   The door to the first limo opens and a heeled foot steps out. The body of a stunningly dark woman fallows behind it. She's wearing a deep, blood red dress that stood out against her dark features. Following her out of the vehicle came an equally dark man wearing the same colored red tunic and trousers. They both wore black accents and both had a no none sense expression on their face. A couple people fie out behind them.

   Clayton steps forward slightly to announce them. "King Orion and Queen Enya of Nira." I smile at them as they walk up to me and they return it. I remember that those are the names of the king and queen we are at the brink of war with.

   "Hello, I am Ava. How about you and your people get settled for now and we will all meet later?" I reach out and shake both of their hands.

   "Hello Queen Ava, I am Orion and this is my wife Enya. That sounds just fine, we have had a long journey here." I smile at Orion and gesture to Breena.

   "Breena will show you to where you will be staying. If you need anything, just ask her." She bows to them and takes their luggage from the driver before leading them away. I notice King Orion leering at Breena and purse my lips. "Oh, and do remind your people that my people are off the table." He shoots me an unhappy look and nods.

   After they are gone, I hear chuckles coming from behind me. I turn and see Leo, Dazz, and his fool brothers laughing.

   "Care to share what's so funny?" They immediately stop laughing and stand at attention. I nod and turn back around.

   Another limo pulls up and one of my men opens the door. A man steps out and looks around. A young girl of maybe fifteen steps out behind him and peers at me with curiosity. When she notices that a see her looking at me, she immediately looks away.

   Clayton steps forward again to announce them. "King Rasmus and Princess Evelina of Lelak." He steps back and they walk up to me, both with open smiles and kind faces.

   "Hello, Queen Ava, it is nice to finally meet you." King Rasmus takes my hand and kisses it, grinning at me like a boy. I hear Dazz let out a growl and have to hold back a grin.

   "Like wise, King Rasmus." He and his daughter were both very pale. They had light skin, blue eyes, and hair that was almost white. I turn to Evelina and smile. "Hello, there." She smiles and steps out from behind her father.

   "Hi, I'm Evelina."

   "It's nice to meet you, Evelina, I'm Ava. You have a beautiful name." she blushes and looks down.

   "Thank you, miss." I smile and hold a hand out for her to shake. She takes it shyly and I smile.

   "I hope to talk to you more, Evelina." She smiles and nods before Lorreta leads them and the few people they brought with them to their room.

   That goes on for a while. We met King Umberto and Queen Philomena of Ilud. Prince Zenon of Coptic. King Lazar, Queen Antoinette, Prince Mathis, and Princess Ingrid of Areba. King Akio, Queen Zelda and the twin princesses Akila and Zaliki of Arin. I had also got a letter saying that the king of Duli and his family would be arriving late tomorrow, so they weren't going to be here for the ball.

   I sigh as I walk into my office and slump down in my chair. My so called personal guard laughs at me as they all take seats around the room. I glare at them at they grin sheepishly at me. I huff and straighten myself up and scoot closer to my desk.

   "Leo. Gunner. Go make sure our guest have settled in." They stand and bow to me before leaving the room. I grab a pen and start doing paper work. "Is everything set for the ball tonight?"

   "Yeah, Aves. Everything's good." I nod and continue my work. A little while later, Leo and Gunner return saying that all was well with the guest. "Good. Someone get Clayton in here."

   Rhett gets up and walks out of the room to find Clayton. I don't know why they don't just call him or something. A few minutes later, they both walk in.

   Clayton bows to me and Rhett goes over and sits back down on the couch.

   "How can I be of service, my queen?" I smile at Clayton.

   "Always so formal," I grin at him and he blushes. I sober up and get back to business. "I want you to inform all the guest that we will be dining in the formal dining room at an hour. After that they will have another hour to get ready for the ball tonight. Everyone was notified that citizens were to attend, correct?"

   He nods. "Yes, your majesty, everyone knows. I will get to that right away." I nod for him to go and he leaves. I get up from my seat and all the guys shoot up from where they were sitting. I raise an eyebrow.

   "Just because I stood up doesn't mean my life is immediately in danger." They all blush and look at me sheepishly, I chuckle and make my way towards the door. They start following me immediately and I let out another chuckle and shake my head.

   "We can't help it, Ava. We're your personal guard, it's our job to protect you at all cost." Gunner says as they trail behind me like little ducklings.

   "I know, I know." I sigh and make my way to my room. "Now, you guys go get ready for dinner, Dazz can watch me while I'm getting dressed." Dazz gets a smirk on his face and I shoot him a dirty look.

   "Okay, we'll be back as soon as we're done getting ready," Rhett says before they all walk off. Dazz and I walk in to the room where two maids and Naomi are sitting and talking. The moment they see us the pop up and rush over to us.

   "There you are! Come on, it's time to get you ready. Dazz, you go get ready with the guys." Dazz goes to protest, but is stopped by his mother's hand in his face. "No. She will be fine. We won't let anything bad happen to her. And she's the Blood Queen, for Skies sake, she'll be fine." He looks unhappy, but nods and isses my cheek before he leaves the room.

   I smile and look at Naomi and the two maids who I haven't met yet. "Let's get started."

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