New Comers

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***Dazz's POV

   The humans had landed in their mini ships and we were surrounding them now. A few were crying and staring at the ship, waiting for something. One of the men, that seemed to be injured, was fighting against a boy, screaming a girl's name. Ava.

   Everyone else was staring at the falling ship. Some were praying, others begging, for the mystery girl, Ava, and another girl, Susie, to be okay.

   Then there was a shout and someone was pointing to the top of the ship, where two figures were putting on what seemed to be a back pack from here. What were they doing?

   The larger of the two figures somehow connected the smaller of the two onto her looked down at us. 

   The front of the ship exploded and the whole thing went up in flames. Many of the humans were panicking now, trying to shove passed us to get to the two figures that were now no where to be seen.

   Then they appeared from the smoke, I swear I could hear one of them screaming from here. The bigger of the two, Ava, if I was to guess, reached back and pulled something from the back pack. A big, colorful piece of cloth came from the back pack and they were jerked from their falling state. The piece of clothe seemed to keep them from plummeting to their death.

   An audible exhale comes from the group of humans. The two girls land and the humans try to press forward again, to no avail.

   "Dazz, go get those two. We'll deal with all of these." I nod to Clayton and start walking towards to the two figures. A couple of males start cursing and yelling at me not to go near them. Family, if I were to guess.

   When I get to them, the older of the two pushes the whimpering little girl behind her and straightens herself to her full height, but I'm still a good foot taller than her.

   She had big, round, doe-like hazel eyes, her long, wavy brown hair was escaping her pony tail, her lips were full and looked soft as a pillow when they weren't pursed and she had more curves then any girl I've ever seen. She was an absolute wonder.

   We stare at each other, me with curiosity, her with defiance. Why was she so willing to stand up to me? Why wasn't she afraid?

   The little girl let's out another whimper. The older girl turns her back to me, without any fear of what I could do, to kneel in front of the girl. She brushes her hair out of her face and whispers what I was guessing were soothing words.

   When the little girl finally calms down the older girl turns back to me and doesn't say a word, just stares me in the eye. It's a little unsettling.

   "Hello, I am Dazz Wolf. I need you to come with me please so we can get everything situated." She doesn't answer, just turns and picks the girl up, nodding to me. I gesture for her to go ahead and she rolls her eyes, but goes ahead of me. What a gem.

   "Are you going to tell me your name?"She walks fast and appears so controlled and calm that you would think she owned the place.

   She's silent for so long that I finally give up on expecting an answer from her. Then I hear her sweet, authoritative and commanding voice.

   "Ava, and this is Susie." She gestures to the now sleeping girl. Her voice surprises me with the amount of authority it has in it. Like she was a child, forced to be an adult way to early.

   "Well, Ava, welcome to our home planet." I spread my arm as if I was offering a feast for fools.

   She looks around at our extravagant buildings and unique people. She shrugs. "It's a very nice planet, Dazz." I shiver when she says my name for reasons that I couldn't understand.

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