A Little Hiccup In Trust

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I didn't think about what was going to happen or what I was going to see when, I just ran. I knew, even before the scream, that something was wrong. I knew something bad was going to happen. What I didn't expect was one of Dazz's people holding a knife and a human woman. From this angle I couldn't tell who it was, but that didn't matter. She was one of mine and this was not acceptable.

   "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I demand as I stomp towards them. He looks up and pulls the woman in front of him, holding the knife to her neck. I could see who it was now. It was Diane Owens. She was a sweet woman in her early twenties that helped out with the kids.

   "Don't take another step." He demands, but I just smirk and look at his eyes. I see the surprise in his eyes before they gloss over and his body goes slack.

   "Oh, come on, now. You don't want to do that. Think of what the Elders would do if you hurt one of their guests. They wouldn't be happy would they?"

   "No." His voice his monotone and I briefly wonder what this seems like to Diane. I knew my eyes were red right now. Dazz had told me that they turned red whenever I used my powers.

   "No. That's right. They wouldn't be happy. So I think you should put the knife down and let the woman come to me. Yeah?"

   "Yeah. Sure." He takes his hands off of her and she hesitates, as if expecting a trick, before dashing over to me and hiding behind my back. I could feel her trembling as she grabbed hold of my arms from behind.

   "That's good. Now. Care to explain what you were doing?" I could feel him fighting me, but I easily overpowered him.

   "You don't belong here. On our planet. In our homes. Using our resources. The Elders should have killed you all on the spot. Not letting you into our homes and offering to fix your ship while we give anything and everything to you." I could feel the hate he had for us in his mind. It was palpable.

   "Ah, I see. Do you have any of us staying with you?"

   "Yes. A man and a woman. I didn't bother learning their names."

   "Where are they now?"

   "The woman likes to walk the city. She drags the man out every morning to look at it. They come back right before sundown."

   "Okay, good. What's your name?"

   "Thaddeus Spalding."

   "Okay, Thaddeus. Now, listen to me, are you listening?"


   "You are not to hurt any of my people. You will not threaten them. You will not taunt them. You will not hurt them. You will not get anyone else to hurt or threaten them. And you will not say anything mean to them. Understood?"


   "Good. Now go. And don't let me hear of you doing anything like this again." He nods and walks off. I knew that he wasn't going to do anything like this again, I'd put the demand in his head so he could no longer hurt my people.

   I make sure my eyes are back to their usual hazel color and turn back to Diane. "Hey, hun, are you okay?"

   She's still trembling, but nods. "Y-yes, t-t-thank you."

   I smile and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Come on. Let's get some food in you, yeah?" She nods and stays silent.

   I turn and see Dazz, Milo, Naomi, and Axel standing their, wide eyed and slack jawed. I narrow my eyes at them and they school their faces to not look like anything weird just happened. Milo comes over to Diane's other side and whispers soothing words in her ear as we lead her back to the picnic spot.

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