Right Here In My Arms

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I'm standing in front of a mirror looking at the dress that I was debating on wearing for my and Dazz's date on Saturday. I felt naked. The dress wasn't necessarily slutty, but I was used to my jeans and t-shirts that have always felt like a second skin on me. The dress was black, backless and came down to about mid thigh. It was casual but not to casual, that way it would be good for whatever we went to do.

   I wanted to shuck it off and toss it into the fire place. A smile came to my face as I imagined the evil thing burning, burning, burning. I move away from that line of thought so I don't become to tempted to do it. 

    It wasn't that I hated the way the dressed looked. It was the fact that it was a dress. I didn't do dresses. Ever.

   There was a knock on my door and I turned to look at it. "Come in." I call softly. Milo walks in and smiles at me. 

   "You look beautiful, honey. I'm surprised you're wearing a dress, though. They aren't really your thing." I smile. He knows me so well that it's almost scary. As if he could see into my mind and tell what I was thinking.

   "Yeah, I know. Naomi gave it to me today. She says that I look stunning in it, but, like you said, dresses aren't my thing." He chuckles and walks over to my bed, sitting down. 

   "You never have been into dresses really. I remember once, when you were about three, I tried to get you to wear one. You decided that since you didn't like it that it was a good idea to literally tear it off your body and burn it. You did it, too. I walked into your room just as you dropped the match in the bucket you had grabbed so that you didn't burn your floors. I swear my heart stopped when I saw it, but you just grinned up at me like it was the most normal thing in the world to do." He shakes his head and chuckles again.

   I grin. "That's what I wanted to do to this one." He laughs.

   "Yeah, sounds like you." We laugh and I turn back to the mirror. "But she's right. You really do look stunning it, Ava."

   "I really do look good in it, I guess." I examine myself from head to toe. My long brown hair that flowed in waves well past my waist now, my big, hazel eyes that never seemed to know what color they wanted to be, my small nose, full lips, and the dress that didn't leave much to the imagination while still somehow being modest.

   "You really do." He smiles warmly at me, probably knowing me inner fight with myself.

   I nod and take a deep breath. "Okay, I'll wear it. Just this once." I walk over to my closet and take my dress off, pulling a pair of pants and a t-shirt on. I didn't care that Milo was right there, he was family. 

   "So, how are things going along with the ship?" Milo hadn't been able to help out with rebuilding the ship because of his foot, but I've been keeping him updated.

   "They're okay. Though, someone did get hurt the other day while trying to gut it. He had a bed fall on him. Doctors said he'll be okay." 

   "That's good. What are you doing today?" 

   "I have to go around and make sure that everyone is still okay and that on one needs anything. Dazz has decided to go with me, nothing new there. Though, I do have paper work to do, so I might have to push that to tomorrow." I laugh, a huge smile spreading across my face.

   "Maybe I should go have a talk with him. You are my little girl after all." I punch his shoulder lightly as I sit down beside him. 


   He chuckles and ruffles my hair with a warm smile. I knew Milo loved me, and I loved him. I would die for him in a heart beat, though that's not saying much since I would die for any of my people just as fast.

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