Rame Wasn't Built In A Day

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***Ava's P.O.V

   I woke up to someone insistently knocking on my door. I groan and sit up. Dazz still has his arms around me and groans, pulling me closer. "What's that noise?" His voice is muffled in my shirt and I laugh.

   "Someones knocking at the door. Let me up so I can get it." I go to get up, but he pushes me back down.

   "No. I'll get it. I don't want it to be somebody that wants to hurt you." He gets up and  stretches.

   "Why would they knock if they wanted to hurt me?"

   He walks over to the door. "I dunno. To take you by surprise?" I laugh and shake my head as he opens the door. Breena, Lorreta and Neva come in swiftly. They bow. I actually think that they curtsied, but it all seems like bowing to me. I don't know the correct terms for it.

   "Yes? How can I help you?" I stand up and walk over to my dresses. I pull out a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and a bra as Breena steps forward slightly.

  "My queen, the packages for the rooms have arrived and are waiting in their rooms."

   "Okay. Let me get dressed and I'll meet you down there in a few minutes."

   Dazz steps in. "You need to eat breakfast first." I wave him off.

   "I'll eat something once we're done. I'll be fine." He looks bout ready to argue and I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'll be fine Dazz. Promise. Now go see what Pearl is cooking and I'll meet you in there once we're done." His lips turn white as he presses them together, but he nods, leans down to plant a kiss on my lips and leaves.

   I turn back to the girls. "Okay. So you girls go get started, then after we can all have a nice meal." They look confused. "What is it?"

   "Well, we won't be able to eat until you are done, my lady.We were just confused by what you said."

   I laugh. "Unless we have visitors, you all will eat with me. When we have visitors, you will eat in the kitchen while we are eating." They smile, nod and leave. I pull my clothes on, then root around until I find my boots. After I'm done, I brush my teeth quickly and go to meet up with the girls.

   They've already finished Lelak, Ilud, Coptic an Arin. "Wow, you girls work fast. I'm impressed." They smile and seem to work double time after I say that. We're in the Areba room now and are almost done. Areba looked like it was sitting in the sky. Lie the Arin people, they worked with air, but they also used fire, like the Niran. Lelak and Ilud looked like they were under water. It was s beautiful. We'd even put huge fish tanks in there, and I was thinking about putting a pool in each room. Definitely in the Ilud. Arin looked like we were inside a cloud. Coptic didn't even look like it was a bedroom anymore, it looked like we were out in the woods. And when we were done, Nira looked, and felt, it was burning up in there, like it was inside a volcano.

   I smiled at the rooms and nodded. "Good. Lets go eat." It hadn't even taken us an hour to finish all the rooms, I may or may not have used my powers, so the food was still warm. We all sat down and Dazz came out f the kitchen with Leo in tow. He sat down next to me and kisses my cheek. Leo sits down on my other side and smiles at me.

   "All done?" Dazz asks me.

   "Yep." Pearl brings out the food and I tell her to sit down and eat with us. Everest and Lilliana come in and we laugh and talk while we eat. Once we are all done, the girls help Pearl with the dishes and Dazz and Leo follow me as I leave. "You guys know you don't have to follow me everywhere I go in the palace, right?"

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